Players' Hands in an INWO Game

Beginning of Game

Reveal Illuminati

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Draw Initial Plot Cards

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Reveal Lead Puppets

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Draw Initial Group Cards

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The initial Group hands of each player:

Deciding Who Goes First

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Round 1

Don Fnordlioni's Turn 1

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Don drew the Plot Sniper and the Group Secret Service.

Don Fnordlioni's hand:

With Mossad, Don learned that his bottom card was Hoax! (The reason he took the Sniper instead of the Hoax! was that Ralph screwed up and forgot about Mossad when giving him his Plot, and Don Fnordlioni and Ralph agreed that assuming that he had chosen to take the Sniper was the best way of handling the situation gracefully.)


James Eddleman's Turn 1

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James drew Pizza For the Secret Meeting and Recycling Centers. His hand:


Sat, 26 Oct 96 12:26:03 EDTWhen James looked at his top three Plot cards with the N.S.A., he saw this:

Thany's Turn 1

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Thany drew Bodyguard and the A.M.A.. His hand:

Jason Bostick's Turn 1

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Jason drew Bar Codes, New Blood, and Hammer of Thor. His hand:

Glen Barnett's Turn 1

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Glen drew Good Polls and California. His hand:

Round 2

Don Fnordlioni's Turn 2

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Don Fnordlioni drew Hoax! as his normal plot draw and Atomic Monster with his Servants of Cthulhu action, both from the bottom of his deck.

The Don then drew Weather Satellite from his Group deck. His hand:

Tue, 5 Nov 96 11:58:51 EDT: Don Fnordlioni gave Glen a Blitzkrieg in exchange for a NWO: Fear and Loathing.

Thu, 7 Nov 96 21:21:31 EDT: When Glen played the Savings & Loan Scam, he drew these plots: Seize the Time!, Hoax!, and Celebrity Spokesman. His hand, after playing Savings & Loan Scam and Good Polls:

Tue, 12 Nov 96 10:32:29 EST: Glen gave Jason a Blitzkrieg.

Mon, 18 Nov 1996 12:01:48 -0500 (EST): When Don Fnordlioni used the Mossad to look at his bottom card before drawing, he saw a Car Bomb.

He chose to draw the top Plot card instead, and drew another Car Bomb.

His hand:

James Eddleman's Turn 2

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James drew Goal: Power for Its Own Sake and Clipper Chip. His hand:

Tue, 19 Nov 96 17:46:52 EST: James returned his Goal: Power for Its Own Sake to the middle of his deck.

Tue, 26 Nov 96 17:50:04 EST: James drew This Was Only A Test with the special ability of the Fiendish Fluoridators.

Tue, 26 Nov 96 17:50:04 EST: With the free ability of the N.S.A., James looked at the top three cards of Jason's Plot deck:


Thany's Turn 2

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Thany drew NWO: Law and Order and the Pentagon. His hand:


Jason Bostick's Turn 2

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Jason drew Seize the Time! and Counter-Revolution from his Plot deck, and Necronomicon from his Group deck. His hand:

Tue, 10 Dec 96 18:27:00 EST: When Jason spent the action tokens from japan and Finland to draw a Plot, he drew Power Grab.

Back to history

Jason Bostick's Seize the Time! Turn

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Jason drew no plots and no groups, because of the Seize the Time!

His hand at the beginning of his turn:

Wed, 8 Jan 97 16:58:29 EST: Don Fnordlioni drew Car Bomb from the bottom of his deck for destroying Japan.

Glen Barnett's Turn 2

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Glen drew Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know and Texas. His hand:

Thu, 16 Jan 97 17:12:04 EST: During the attack on the Local Police Departments, Glen gave James Eddleman his Germany card.

Fri, 24 Jan 97 14:00:25 EST: When Glen drew a group card, he drew the Orbital Mind Control Lasers.

Glen Barnett's Seize the Time! Turn

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Glen drew no cards, because of the Seize the Time! His hand:

Round 3

Don Fnordlioni's Turn 3

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Wed, 29 Jan 97 13:17:42 EST: When Don Fnordlioni looked at his bottom plot before drawing, he saw NWO: Gun Control.

Don Fnordlioni drew his top Plot, Atomic Monster, and his top Group, the C.I.A. His hand:

James Eddleman's Turn 3

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James drew Full Moon and W.I.T.C.H.

Fri, 31 Jan 97 12:55:07 EST: With his extra Group card from the Nephews of God, James drew Cyborg Soldiers.

Fri, 31 Jan 97 13:06:05 EST: James' Plot draw with the Society of Assassins' action token was Reverse Whammy.

His hand:

Mon, 3 Feb 97 01:39:47 EST: When Jason looked at his top three Plots, he saw these:

Thany's Turn 3

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Thany drew Red Scare and Fred Birch Society. His hand:

Jason Bostick's Turn 3

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Jason drew the Plots Bavarian Illuminati and NWO: A Thousand Points of Light, and the group Canada. His hand:

Glen Barnett's Turn 3

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Glen drew Beach Party and Brazil. With the Plot he drew from the Texas and Local Police Departments tokens, he drew Forgery. His hand:

Round 4

Don Fnordlioni's Turn 4

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Off the top of his deck, Don Fnordlioni drew Deasil Engine and Senate Investigating Committee. Don Fnordlioni then drew NWO: Gun Control off the bottom of his deck with the Mossad. Don Fnordlioni drew Hitler's Brain with his Group draw. Don Fnordlioni's hand:

Thu, 27 Feb 97 22:44:03 EST: When Jason spent action tokens to draw Plots, he drew these:

Sat, 1 Mar 97 01:28:38 EST: Jason returned Servants of Cthulhu and Bar Codes to the top of his deck. He then traded a Savings & Loan Scam to Glen in exchange for a Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know.

Sat, 8 Mar 97 00:51:38 EST: When Glen played the Savings & Loan Scam, he drew these Plots:

Sun, 9 Mar 97 11:44:17 EST: When Glen returned Plots to his deck, he put New Blood under 5 Plots, and then put Celebrity Spokesman under 8 Plots.

James Eddleman's Turn 4

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James drew Full Moon and Nuclear Power Companies at the beginning of his turn..

Fri, 21 Mar 97 11:15:17 EST: When James spent his action tokens to buy Plots, he drew NWO: End of the World and New Blood. His hand:

Sat, 22 Mar 97 14:13:39 EST: When James used the N.S.A. to look at his top three Plots, he saw these:

Thany's Turn 4

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Thany drew Fundie Money and Local Police Departments.

Tue, 1 Apr 97 16:55:35 EST: Thany drew Newt Gingrich with the Fraternal Orders.

Thany's hand:

Wed, 23 Apr 97 19:55:35 EDT: When James looked at Don Fnordlioni's top three plots, he saw these:

Thu, 24 Apr 97 18:58:56 EDT: When Don Fnordlioni drew a Plot, the bottom Plot he saw was Giant Kudzu.

Fri, 25 Apr 97 16:41:32 EDT: Don Fnordlioni decided to draw his top Plot, Nuclear Accident.

Mon, 28 Apr 1997 14:40:33 -0700: Jason's drwas from Don Fnordlioni's Plot deck due to the effect of Soulburner were Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know and Ketchup Is a Vegetable.

Tue, 29 Apr 97 19:42:09 EDT: Jason returned Counter-Revolution to his deck, three cards from the bottom.

Wed, 30 Apr 97 23:02:54 EDT: Don Fnordlioni drew Giant Kudzu off of the bottom of his Plot deck. He then looked at the bottom of his Plot deck and saw Terrorist Nuke. He then drew his top Plot, a Head in a Jar.

Wed, 7 May 97 16:45:20 EDT: Don Fnordlioni drew Martial Law and Good Polls from destroying the Congressional Wives.

Fri, 9 May 97 13:53:37 EDT: Jason gave James a Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know.

Jason Bostick's Turn 4

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Fri, 16 May 97 13:45:56 EDT: Jason drew Emergency Powers, Early Warning, and Al Amarja. His hand:

Glen Barnett's Turn 4

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Fri, 16 May 97 13:51:35 EDT: Glen drew Hat Trick and Big Prawn.

Sat, 17 May 97 12:28:10 EDT: Glen drew Goal: Criminal Overlords by spending action tokens. His hand:

Mon, 19 May 97 14:02:06 EDT: Jason gave Glen an Emergency Powers Plot.

Wed, 21 May 97 13:44:58 EDT: Jason gave Glen a B.A.T.F. Group card.

Fri, 30 May 97 10:26:14 EDT: James spent action tokens to draw NWO: End of the World.

Thu, 26 Jun 97 15:52:41 EDT: James drew Charismatic Leader with the action tokens of the Fiendish Fluoridators and the Nephews of God.

Fri, 27 Jun 97 15:13:02 EDT: James returned Charismatic Leader to his deck, making it the fifth card down.

Mon, 30 Jun 97 14:13:52 EDT: James drew NWO: The Magic Goes Away with his last two action tokens.

Round 5

Don Fnordlioni's Turn 5

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Wed, 2 Jul 97 11:04:49 EDT: Don Fnordlioni drew Terrorist Nuke. His hand:

Wed, 9 Jul 97 15:45:02 EDT: When Don Fnordlioni looked at his deck before drawing the first Plot card, he saw Murphy's Law.

Fri, 11 Jul 97 21:38:24 EDT: Don Fnordlioni drew the Murphy's Law, and then looked at the bottom of his deck again and saw Martial Law.

Sat, 12 Jul 97 16:09:11 EDT: Don Fnordlioni decided to draw his top Plot, which turned out to be Seize the Time!

James Eddleman's Turn 5

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Tue, 15 Jul 97 13:35:48 EDT: James drew Japan and Goal: Power for Its Own Sake.

Tue, 15 Jul 97 15:28:34 EDT: James drew the Death Mask with the Nephews of God.

James's hand:

Thu, 17 Jul 97 12:35:58 EDT: When James looked at his top three plots, he saw:

Thany's Turn 5

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Tue, 29 Jul 97 16:19:27 EDT: James returned Goal: Power for Its Own Sake to his deck, making it the fourth card from the top.

Tue, 29 Jul 97 16:19:27 EDT: At the beginning of his turn, Thany drew Citizenship Award and Australia. His hand:

Jason Bostick's Turn 5

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Tue, 5 Aug 97 14:51:49 EDT: At the beginning of his turn, Jason drew Ketchup is a Vegetable, Goal: Up Against the Wall, and Israel.

Tue, 5 Aug 97 16:11:13 EDT: With his action tokens, Jason drew Dictatorship, Goal: Power For Its Own Sake, and New Blood. Jason now had two Goal cards in his deck, so had to immediately discard one.

Jason's hand:

Tue, 5 Aug 97 16:46:36 EDT: Jason returned Goal: Up Against the Wall to the bottom of his Plot deck.

Fri, 12 Sep 97 20:11:12 EDT: At the end of his turn, Jason gave New Blood to Glen, and returned the other Ketchup is a Vegetable to his Plot deck, making it the sixth card down, as well as discarding Unmasked! and Bavarian Illuminati.

Glen Barnett's Turn 5

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Fri, 12 Sep 97 23:26:50 EDT: Glen drew NWO: Gun Control and NASA. His hand:

Fri, 19 Sep 97 18:17:43 EDT: Jason gave Glen his Ketchup Is a Vegetable.

Thu, 25 Sep 97 14:51:17 EDT: When Glen looked at the bottom of his Plot deck with Mossad, he saw that his bottom Plot was Slush Fund.

Fri, 26 Sep 97 10:53:50 EDT: Glen chose to draw his top Plot: Alien Abduction.

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Last Modified: April 24, 1997
Ralph Melton <>