NOTE: This list is out-of-date. Please see my RI page for a complete list of publications.
Invariance in Low-level Vision
Extracting Scale and Illuminant Invariant Regions through Color |
Scene understanding from 3-D data
Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-sampled Curves More details are in Tech report CMU-RI-TR-06-25 [pdf] |
Scale Selection for Classification of Point-sampled 3-D Surfaces | |
Robust Extraction of Multiple Structures from Non-Uniformly Sampled Data | |
Toward Generating Labeled Maps from Color and Range Data for Robot Navigation C. Pantofaru, R. Unnikrishnan, Martial Hebert Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003 (IROS 03), Vol. 2, pp. 13141321 [pdf] |
Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
A Measure for Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms |
Measures of Similarity |
Fast and Robust Techniques for Sensor Calibration
Fast Extrinsic Calibration of a Laser Rangefinder to a Camera The calibration software is available here. |
Globally consistent mapping in large cyclic environments
Efficient Construction of Globally Consistent Ladar Maps using Pose Network Topology and Nonlinear Programming | |
A Constrained Optimization Approach to Globally Consistent Mapping R. Unnikrishnan, Alonzo Kelly Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002 (IROS 02), Vol. 1, October, 2002, pp. 564569 [pdf] | |
Globally Consistent Mosaicking for Autonomous Visual Navigation R. Unnikrishnan Masters thesis, tech. report CMU-RI-TR-02-22, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, September, 2002 [pdf] | |
Mosaicking Large Cyclic Environments for Visual Navigation in Autonomous
Vehicles R. Unnikrishnan, Alonzo Kelly Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2002 (ICRA 02), Vol. 4, May, 2002, pp. 42994306 [pdf] |