Welcome to the Carnegie Mellon Robot Soccer lab images page! The robot soccer lab is part of the CORAL research group and focuses on research within the RoboCup robot soccer domain. Below are some of the images we have collected of our various research platforms.
For more information on these images, or our research, please email us or visit our robosoccer web pages or CORAL web pages.
We have broken our image gallery into separate sections. The RoboCup pages may include pictures from all the leagues. Just click on the links below to jump to the pages of your interest.
Sony AIBO legged league Internal images |
Our Sony AIBO teams CMTrio ('98 and '99) and CMPack ('00, '01, '02, '03) |
Segway league Internal images |
Our new Segway RMP robots CM-RMP |
Small-size league Internal images |
Our small-size robots CMUnited ('97 and '98) and CMDragons ('01, '02, '03) |
UberSim Internal images |
Our UberSim simulator for the small-size CMDragons team |
Simulator league |
Our simulator teams CMUnited ('97, '98, '99, '00) and ChaMeleons ('01) | RoboCup pictures |
Various pictures from RoboCup (2002 and 1998) |
Lab pictures |
Various pictures of our laboratory | |
Middle-size league | Our middle-size team CM Hammerheads ('00 and '01) |
Unsorted | ||
Logos |
only for internal use |
CD Labels |
only for internal use |
Email the Web Administrator for any