RoboCup competitions results of our Carnegie Mellon teams
The following table shows our results from the previous RoboCup competitions
Padua, Italy
July 2-11, 2003
held in Fukuoka, Japan,
June 17-26, 2002. |
World Champions
Sony Legged Robot League
Round-robin games:
- CMPack'02 - Araibo, Tokyo - 5:1
- CMPack'02 - Georgia Tech - 7:0
- CMPack'02 - Team Germany - 3:1
- CMPack'02 - SPQR, Italy - 7:0
- Quarter Final: CMPack'02 - Team Sweden - 9:0
- Semi Final: CMPack'02 - Robomutts++, Melbourne - 4:0
- Final: CMPack'02 - UNSW, Australia - 3:3, 2:1 penalties
Quarter Finalists
Small-Size Robot League
Round-robin games:
- CMDragons'02 - Owaribito, Japan - 10:0
- CMDragons'02 - Makushita, Japan - 10:0
- CMDragons'02 - LuckyStar, Singapore - 0:2
- CMDragons'02 - Rogi, Spain - 10:0
- Quarter Final: CMPack'02 - Roobots, Melbourne - 0:3
Seattle, USA
August 2-10, 2001
Check the results!
Melbourne, Australia |
Stockholm, Sweden
July 27-August 6, 1999
CMUnited'99 Simulator
World Champions
Simulator League
Out of 37 teams, in 8 games, we had a combined score of 110-0
CMUnited'99 Small-Size
Made it to the playoffs
Small-Size League
17 teams competing; we won all 3 games in the round robin
3rd place
Sony Legged Robots
Paris, France
July 4-9, 1998
CMUnited'98 Simulator
World Champions
Simulation League
out of 34 teams, in 8 games, we had a combined score of 66-0
CMUnited'98 Small-Size Robots
World Champions
Small-Size Robot League
out of 11 teams, in 5 games, we had a combined score of 25-5
World Champions
Sony Legged Robot League
out of 3 teams, in 2 games, we had a combined score of 4-1
Nagoya, Japan
August 23-29, 1998
CMUnited'97 Small-Size Robots
World Champions
Small-Size Robot League
Round-robin games:
- CMUnited - Nara Institute of Technology - 5:0
- CMUnited - Paris VI - 3:1
- CMUnited - Girona (Spain) - 2:0
- CMUnited - Nara Institute of Technology - 3:0
out of 5 teams, in 4 games, we had a combined score of 13-1
CMUnited'97 Simulator
4th place
Simulation league
out of 29 teams, we made it to the semi-finals
Allen Newell Awards
"Established in
1992 by the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University,
the Allen Newell Research Award medal acknowledges the outstanding
work and dedication of faculty and graduate students in their research
Manuela Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han, and Sorin Achim were
awarded the Allen Newell Research Award in 1997, for their work in
robotic soccer and their achievements in RoboCup'97.
Michael Bowling and William Uther were awarded the Allen Newell
Research Award in 1998, for their work in robotic soccer and their
achievements in RoboCup'98.
Patrick Riley was awarded in 1998 the Allen Newell Award for
Excellence in Undergraduate Research for his work with Manuela Veloso
and Peter Stone on robotic soccer and for his senior undergraduate
thesis, which used simulated robotic soccer as the