- Gita
Sukthankar and Katia
Sycara, "Identifying
Physical Team Behaviors from Spatial Relationships,"
in Proceedings of 2005 Conference on Behavior Representation
in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS), May 2005,
just won a Recommended Reading List award at the BRIMS
- Gita
Sukthankar and Katia
Sycara, "A
Cost Minimization Approach to Human Behavior Recognition"
in Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference
on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS
2005), July 2005, is on the 'shortlist'
for best student paper award.
- Yang
Xu, Paul
Scerri, Bin
Yu, Steven Okamoto, Michael Lewis, and Katia
Sycara, "Integrated
Token-Based Algorithm for Scalable Coordination," is
on the 'shortlist'
for best overall paper award.
- RoboCup
Rescue US Open, Atlanta, Ga., May 7-10, 2005 --At the
Rescue US Open, the Carnegie Mellon University and The University
Pittsburgh Team RAPTOR won 1st place in the Advanced Mobility
class, 1st place in the Advanced Autonomy class and 3rd
place in the RoboRescue League. RAPTOR was the only team
to enter robots in every round of the competition. The RAPTOR
team fielded three
robots, a Pioneer, a PER and a Tarantula, that coordinated
to search and find victims in 3 arenas of increasing difficulty.
Congratulations to Mary Koes, Anton Chechetka, and Robin
- Katia
Sycara was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Department
of Computer Science and Communications Systems Engineering
of the University of the
Aegean. The Honorary Doctorate was given "in recognition
of [Dr. Sycara's] outstanding scientific, academic and professional
contributions to the field of Artificial Intelligence."The
inauguration ceremony took place May 10th, 2004 in Samos,
- "Modeling
Physical Variability for Synthetic MOUT Agents," by
Sukthankar, Michael Mandel, Katia
Sycara and Jessica Hodgins, was selected for the Recommended
Reading List at the 13th Conference on Behavior Representation
in Modeling and Simulaton (BRIMS).
- Katia
Sycara was elected a Fellow of the American Association
for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) for her "significant
contributions to case-based reasoning, autonomous agents,
and multi-agent systems." One of a small select group of
individuals elected each year, Sycara was recognized at
the Fellows Dinner on July 30, during AAAI 2002 in Edmonton,
Alberta Canada.
- Katia
Sycara of Carnegie Mellon University has been awarded
the ACM SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award for 2002.
Dr. Sycara has made significant contributions to a number
of subareas of agent research, including agent architectures,
middle agents, and multi-agent negotiation.
- Katia
Sycara has been named representative of the DAML Service
Coalition to the WWW consortium (W3C) Working Group on Web
Service Architecture.
- Semantic
Web Challenge, the Semantic Web Working Symposium, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, CA. July 2001. Winner: Rahul
Singh, CMU Intelligent Software Agents Lab.
- "Innovative
Enterprise Decision Support System." Presented to the Office
of Naval Research, our MURI sponsor, for Agent