Storm is a RETSINA agent scenario where agents autonomously
coordinate their team-oriented roles and actions while executing
a mission in the ModSAF (Modular Semi-Automated Forces)
simulation environment. |
The RETSINA Semantic Web Calendar Agent
provides interoperability between RDF based calendar descriptions
on the web, and Personal Information Manager (PIM) Systems such
as Microsoft's Outlook. |
The Aircraft Maintenance System
is wearable software that uses RETSINA agents to assist in the
process of documenting and making repairs to aircraft. |
The COALA book buying coalitions are
our initial application of Virtual Coalitions in Ecommerce.
Our book-buying coalitions incorporate PiPL Protocol Definition
Language, and involve a coalition server, several suppliers'
agents, an auctioneer agent, and a web-based interface for users. |
The RETSINA Demining System
is a robotic demining system developed as part of a multi-agent
application (AgentStorm) for assisting human commanders in command
and control scenarios. |
is a multi-disciplinary research project designed to increase
the effectiveness of team decision making in joint planning
tasks. Click here to go directly to
our MURI Project Page. |
- Socket Migration: MIGSOCK is a solution to the problem
of socket migration. MIGSOCK provides a Linux kernel module
that re-implements TCP to make migration possible. |
is a multi-agent system for "Anyware" communications and display--a
mobile communications network that runs on any platform and
reaches users anywhere. Using MOCHA, human users create personal
agents who perform communications and planning tasks that humans
could not otherwise accomplish.
is a software environment for route planning and team coordination. |
MORSE Simulation Environment is a distributed agent-based
system that simulates a team-oriented task of range operations
during space launch that must be completed by a team of human
subjects, with each being responsible for a specific part of
the task. The goal of this research is to (i) develop cognitive
models that can allow the simulation of human teams without
requiring large numbers of human subjects, (ii) understand team
behavior to allow development and support of human-agent teams
and (iii) to improve the performance of teams in complex tasks
by modifying behavior of team members, role and task allocation,
and by tweaking the task itself. |
is a Multi-Agent, Multi-Agent System demonstration of agent
technology in a Non-combatant Evacuation Operation. |
is programming by demonstration to extract web page content. |
is a text classification agent application for Intelligent Agent
portfolio management. |
Search and Rescue. To address the
challenges of Urban Search and Rescue, we propose Hybrid Teams
of Autonomous Agents: Cyber Agents, Robots and People (CARPs)
consisting of large number of these entities that are distributed
in space, time, capability, and roles. |
The Visitor-Hoster system is designed to help a human secretary
organize a visit in an academic environment. |
is a portfolio management application that uses a distributed
agent architecture to access information resources already available
over the Internet. |
is a personal agent for World-Wide Web browsing that enhances
searches and learns user interests. |