15110 Principles of Computing

Principles of Computing




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15110 is a course in fundamental computing principles for students with little to no computing background. Programming constructs: sequencing, selection, iteration, and recursion. Data organization: arrays and lists. Use of abstraction in computing: data representation, computer organization, computer networks, functional decomposition, and application programming interfaces. Use of computational principles in problem-solving: divide and conquer, randomness, and concurrency. Classification of computational problems based on complexity, non-computable functions, and using heuristics to find reasonable solutions to complex problems. Social, ethical and legal issues associated with the development of new computational artifacts will also be discussed. Prerequisites: none.

NOTE: Speak with your advisor about whether you are required to take 15110 or 15112 (Fundamentals in Programming) or both if you are unsure about which course you should be taking.


Tom Cortina image Dr. Tom Cortina
Email: tcortina "at" cs.cmu.edu
Office: Gates Hillman Center 4117
Office Hours: MWR 10:30-11:30AM and by appointment (except campus holidays/breaks)
Phone: 412-268-3514

Course Assistants (CA's)

Eileen Jiang pic Michael Murphy pic Patrick Yurky pic

Eileen Jiang - andrew id: yuanj
Michael Murphy - andrew id: mjmurphy
Patrick Yurky - andrew id: pyurky

You can go to any course assistant listed above for help with the course material in our sections. In addition, some of your work will be graded by the course assistants. If you have any questions about a specific grade given by any CA, you should try to meet that CA during his/her office hours for assistance. If you cannot meet a specific CA during his/her office hours for grading questions, please email that CA for a special appointment. (See EXTRA HELP for the schedule for extra help hours for course assistants.)

Meeting Times

You are required to go to your assigned lecture and lab. Since part of your course grade depends on lab participation, you must go to your assigned section to get lab credit.

Lecture (Sections U & E) MTWRF 9:00-10:20AM GHC 4211
Lab (Section U - undergraduates) MTWRF 4:30-5:20PM* (corrected) GHC 5205
Lab (Section E - APEA students) MTWRF 4:30-5:20PM* (corrected) GHC 5201

*LAB NOTE: Lab does not meet every day of the week. See the LABS page for specific lab dates. On all other days, lab hour will be used as extra help for students.

Course Textbooks

Book image Blown To Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness after the Digital Explosion
by Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen, and Harry Lewis
Publisher: Addison-Wesley (2008)
ISBN: 978-0137135592

This book is available FOR FREE from http://www.bitsbook.com/. You can buy a hardcopy of this book if you wish from any major bookseller.

In addition, some lectures will be based on a draft version of a new textbook that is being written using Python as its support language. We will provide chapters as necessary.
Book image Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science
by John Conery
Python Edition (Draft) - not available in stores
(Authentication required - do NOT distribute)

Course Grading

All assignments must be handed in on time (unless you are given instructions otherwise). Late or missing work will receive a 0. The reason this is done is so that we can get feedback to you as quickly as possible so you can learn from your mistakes and prepare for the exams. Additionally, it allows us to post a sample solution as soon as possible for the benefit of all students. You are allowed to drop 1 written assignment and 1 online/programming assignment without penalty (except where noted). You are still responsible for understanding the material on the dropped assignments. See the ASSIGNMENTS page for detailed information about this grading policy.

You must take all exams (written and lab exams) at the times they are given. NO MAKEUPS FOR EXAMS will be allowed except for acceptable documented circumstances (e.g. major illness, death in immediate family, university-sanctioned event with verification from advisor/coach, etc.).

Your course grade will be calculated based on the following:

10 Problem Sets: 15% (1.5% each)
10 Programming Assignments: 15% (1.5% each)
Lab Participation: 5%
2 Lab Exams: 10% (5% each)
2 Written Exams: 30% (15% each)
Final Exam: 25%

Grades from all assignments and exams may be reviewed for up to 2 days after they are returned/posted. After this period, the grade is considered final and cannot be changed. We reserve the right to review an entire assignment/exam if it is submitted for re-grading.

Academic Integrity

The value of your degree depends on the academic integrity of yourself and your peers in each of your classes. It is expected that, unless otherwise instructed, the work you submit as your own will be your own work and not someone else's work or a collaboration between yourself and other(s).

Please read the University Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism carefully to understand the penalties associated with academic dishonesty at CMU. In this class, cheating/copying/plagiarism means copying all or part of a program or homework solution from another student or unauthorized source, knowingly giving such information to another student, or giving or receiving unauthorized information during an examination. In general, each solution you submit (program code, written homework or exam) must be your OWN work. In the event that you use information written by another person in your solution, you must cite the source of this information (and receive permission if required).

Your course instructor reserves the right to determine an appropriate penalty based on the violation of academic dishonesty that occurs. Violations of the university policy can result in severe penalties including failing this course and possible expulsion from Carnegie Mellon University. If you have any questions about this policy and any work you are doing in the course, please feel free to contact your instructor for help.

Students With Disabilities

Individuals with documented disabilities may be eligible to receive services/accomodations from CMU's Equal Opportunity Services (EOS) office. For more information, please contact Larry Powell, Manager of Disability Services at (412) 268-2013 (voice/TTY).