15110 Principles of Computing

Principles of Computing




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Exam Information

Exam Schedule:

Written Exam 1: Wednesday, July 16 - Sample Answers

Lab Exam 1: Monday, July 21 - Reference Sheet
NOTE: You do not need to bring in a copy of the reference sheet. We will have a copy there for you.

Written Exam 2: Wednesday, July 30 - Sample Answers

Lab Exam 2: Monday, August 4 - Reference Sheet
NOTE: You do not need to bring in a copy of the reference sheet. We will have a copy there for you.

Final Exam: Thursday, August 7 (4:30P Part I: GHC 4211) and Friday, August 8 (9:00A Part II: GHC 4211)

You must take all exams at the times they are given. NO MAKEUPS FOR EXAMS will be allowed except for acceptable documented circumstances (e.g. major illness, death in immediate family, university-sanctioned event with verification from advisor/coach, etc.).

Sample Exam Questions

The following links lead to "sample" exam questions that you can practice. Keep in mind that the actual exam will have its own questions which may not match these closely, but will cover the same types of topics.

Sample Written Exam Questions 1 - with answers
Sample Written Exam Questions 2 - with answers
Sample Written Exam Questions 3 - with answers
Sample Lab Exam 1 - Sample Answers
Sample Lab Exam 2 - Sample Answers

FOR SUMMER 2014: Since the summer session has only 2 written midterms instead of 3 given during the Fall and Spring, you should look at problems from more than one sample exam as you review. See below for details.

WRITTEN EXAM 1: Review sample exam 1 (all) and sample exam 2 (problem #1).
WRITTEN EXAM 2: Review sample exam 2 (problems 2-5) and sample exam 3 (problems 1,2,3,6).
LAB EXAM 1: Covers variables, loops, conditionals, functions and lists. No recursion on this exam.
LAB EXAM 2: Covers recursion, 2D lists, random numbers, graphics.

Course Schedule (subject to change)

6/30 Course Introduction, Computational Thinking
7/1 Unit 1: A Brief History of Computation
from Babbage to the World Wide Web
7/2, 7/3 Unit 2: An Introduction to Programming using Python
variables, types, statements, functions
7/4 Independence Day (NO CLASSES)
7/7, 7/8 Unit 3: Algorithms
loops, conditionals, GCD, Sieve of Eratosthenes
7/9, 7/10 Unit 4: Computation using Iteration
using arrays, linear search, selection sort, order of complexity
7/11, 7/14 Unit 5: Recursive Thinking
binary search, merge sort, fractals, and other recursive algorithms
7/15 Unit 6: Data Organization
lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees and graphs
7/17 Unit 6: Data Organization (cont'd)
7/18, 7/21 Unit 7: Data Representation
integers, text, images, sound and compression
LAB EXAM 1 (Mon, Jul 21 at 4:30PM)
7/22, 7/23 Unit 8: Computer Organization
Boolean logic, CPU layers as abstractions, instructions as data and data as instructions
7/24, 7/25 Unit 9: Randomness in Computation
random number generators, shuffling, games with random numbers, cellular automata
7/28 Unit 10: Concurrency: Pipelining, multitasking, parallel and distributed processing
7/29 Unit 11: Graphics & Simulation
graphics in Python, virus simulation
7/31, 8/1 Unit 12: Artificial Intelligence
ELIZA and the Turing Test, games (search space and heuristics), Watson and machine learning
8/4, 8/5 Unit 13: The Internet
design of the Internet, network layers as abstractions, security/RSA
LAB EXAM 2 (Monday, August 4 at 4:30PM)
8/5, 8/6 Unit 14: Computability: The Limits of Computation
Map coloring and the traveling salesperson, P vs. NP, The halting problem, Alternate computing models
8/7, 8/8 FINAL EXAM
Part I: Thursday, August 7 at 4:30PM
Part II: Friday, August 8 at 9:00AM