15110 Principles of Computing

Principles of Computing




Jump Image Fast Links: Lab Sections and Course Assistants | Lab Assignments

Each lab will be posted here for your reference along with sample answers after the labs are all over. Labs participation counts for 5% of your grade. There are 12 labs so you can miss 2 labs without penalty. This does not include the lab exam dates (see below). If you miss a lab, you are responsible for understanding the material you missed. You must go to the lab for your assigned section in order to get credit for lab participation.

Two lab exams will be given (see schedule below) that will test your ability to write simple Ruby programs given a limited amount of time and resources. No makeups will be allowed except as allowed in the official course policy. The lab exams are worth a total of 10% of your grade.

Lab Sections and Course Assistants

You are required to go to your assigned lecture and lab. Since part of your course grade depends on lab participation, you must go to your assigned section to get lab credit. To email your CA directly, you can send mail to their andrew ID "at" (@) andrew.cmu.edu .

A R 9:30AM-10:20AM GHC 5201 Michaela van Peursem mvanpeur
B R 9:30AM-10:20AM GHC 5205 Carrie Purta cpurta
C R 10:30AM-11:20AM GHC 5201 Brenden Patch bpatch
D R 10:30AM-11:20AM GHC 5205 Eric Gottlieb egottlie
E R 11:30AM-12:20PM GHC 5201 Brian Humbarger bhumbarg
F R 11:30AM-12:20PM GHC 5205 Cathy Li chli
G R 12:30PM-1:20PM GHC 5201 Tae Hyun Ahn tahn
H R 12:30PM-1:20PM GHC 5205 Sanil Shah sanils
I R 1:30PM-2:20PM GHC 5201 Vineet Baldwa vbaldwa
J R 1:30PM-2:20PM GHC 5205 Vishal Jeet vjeet
K R 2:30PM-3:20PM GHC 5201 Patrick Yurky pyurky
L R 2:30PM-3:20PM GHC 5205 Eshan Chordia echordia
M R 3:30PM-4:20PM GHC 5201 Avia Weinstein aweinste
N R 3:30PM-4:20PM GHC 5205 Michael Hansen mhansen1

Lab Assignments

Instructions for Electronic Handin

Lab 1 Thursday, Jan 19 Lightbot Sample Answers
Lab 2 Thursday, Jan 26 Intro to Ruby and irb Sample Answers
Lab 3 Thursday, Feb 2 Arrays and Loops Sample Answers
Lab 4 Thursday, Feb 9 More Searching and Sorting Sample Answers
Lab 5 Thursday, Feb 16 Debugging Practice Sample Answers
Lab 6 Thursday, Feb 23 Fractals Sample Answers
Lab 7 Thursday, Mar 1 Hash Tables Sample Answers
LAB EXAM 1 Thursday, Mar 8  
  Thursday, Mar 15 NO LAB - Spring Break
Lab 8 Thursday, Mar 22 MARS Sample Answers
Lab 9 Thursday, Mar 29 Cellular Automata Sample Answers
Lab 10 Thursday, Apr 5 Bitmap Images Sample Answers
Lab 11 Thursday, Apr 12 Graphics in Ruby Sample Answers
  Thursday, Apr 19 NO LAB - Spring Carnival
Lab 12 Thursday, Apr 26 Programming a Game Sample Answers
LAB EXAM 2 Thursday, May 3