Class AttractorHurtPersonSim


public class AttractorHurtPersonSim
extends AttractorPermSim

A person.

Copyright (c)1997 Georgia Tech Research Corporation

Field Summary
static double RADIUS
Fields inherited from class
all_objects, background, bottom, DEBUG, deposited, foreground, left, picked_up, position, RADIUS, rando, right, seed, top, unique_id, visionclass
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void draw(java.awt.Graphics g, int w, int h, double t, double b, double l, double r)
          Draw the person.
 void drawIcon(java.awt.Graphics g, int w, int h, double t, double b, double l, double r)
          Draw the person as an icon.
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class
checkCollision, checkCollision, clearTrail, draw, drawID, drawState, drawTrail, getCenter, getClosestPoint, getID, getPosition, getVisionClass, init, isObstacle, isPickupable, isPushable, pickUp, push, quit, receive, setID, setTrailLength, setVisionClass, takeStep
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double RADIUS
Constructor Detail


public AttractorHurtPersonSim()
Method Detail


public void drawIcon(java.awt.Graphics g,
                     int w,
                     int h,
                     double t,
                     double b,
                     double l,
                     double r)
Draw the person as an icon.
drawIcon in class AttractorSim
Tags copied from interface: SimulatedObject
g - graphics area to draw the object.
w - the width in pixels of g.
h - the height in pixels of g.
t - the y coordinate represented by the top boundary of the drawing area.
b - the y coordinate represented by the bottom boundary of the drawing area.
l - the x coordinate represented by the left boundary of the drawing area.
r - the x coordinate represented by the right boundary of the drawing area.


public void draw(java.awt.Graphics g,
                 int w,
                 int h,
                 double t,
                 double b,
                 double l,
                 double r)
Draw the person.
draw in class AttractorSim
Tags copied from interface: SimulatedObject
g - graphics area to draw the object.
w - the width in pixels of g.
h - the height in pixels of g.
t - the y coordinate represented by the top boundary of the drawing area.
b - the y coordinate represented by the bottom boundary of the drawing area.
l - the x coordinate represented by the left boundary of the drawing area.
r - the x coordinate represented by the right boundary of the drawing area.