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Currently, the executables and source code for the MeshToolbox are not publicly available for downloading. If you would like access to the software for research purposes, please send email to me (Daniel Huber) explaining what you would like to do with the software and include the following text, "We will use the MeshToolbox software for research or educational purposes only, and we will not sell or redistribute the software." We will then give you access to the files.
The MeshToolbox is not under active development. Version 1.3 of this software is known to compile under Red Hat 9.1 using gcc 3.2.2. It will not compile with older (2.9X) versions of gcc. Only minor changes were made from version 1.2 to enable compiling using this more recent compiler and operating system. We have not tested it extensively, so please let us know if you find any bugs. The changes in 1.3 may have introduced compilation errors in the windows and irix compilation. The software uses the SGI OpenInventor library. We use version 2.1.5-10 on Red Hat 9.1.
Version 1.2 is known to compile with RedHat versions up to 7.2 with gcc compilers up to 2.95.3. It uses the SGI OpenInventor library externally, and is known to work with version 2.1.5-6.
Note: Some files on this page are compressed with gzip (.gz extension). Distributions containing multiple files are compressed tar files (tar.gz extension). More recently created files are compressed with zip and have the .zip extension.