Class Parser

  extended byorg.htmlparser.Parser
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Parser
extends java.lang.Object
implements, ConnectionMonitor

The main parser class. This is the primary class of the HTML Parser library. It provides constructors that take a String, a URLConnection, or a Lexer. In the case of a String, an attempt is made to open it as a URL, and if that fails it assumes it is a local disk file. If you want to actually parse a String, use setInputHTML() after using the no-args constructor, or use createParser(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

The Parser provides access to the contents of the page, via a NodeIterator, a NodeList or a NodeVisitor.

Typical usage of the parser is:

 Parser parser = new Parser ("http://whatever");
 NodeList list = parser.parse ();
 // do something with your list of nodes.

What types of nodes and what can be done with them is dependant on the setup, but in general a node can be converted back to HTML and it's children (enclosed nodes) and parent can be obtained, because nodes are nested. See the Node interface.

For example, if the URL contains:

and the example code above is used, the list contain only one element, the node. This node is a tag, which is an object of class Html if the default NodeFactory (a PrototypicalNodeFactory) is used.

To get at further content, the children of the top level nodes must be examined. When digging through a node list one must be conscious of the possibility of whitespace between nodes, e.g. in the example above:

 Node node = list.elementAt (0);
 NodeList sublist = node.getChildren ();
 System.out.println (sublist.size ());
would print out 5, not 2, because there are newlines after , and that are children of the HTML node besides the and nodes.

Because processing nodes is so common, two interfaces are provided to ease this task, filters and visitors.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static ParserFeedback DEVNULL
          A quiet message sink.
protected  ParserFeedback mFeedback
          Feedback object.
protected  Lexer mLexer
          The html lexer associated with this parser.
static ParserFeedback STDOUT
          A verbose message sink.
static java.lang.String VERSION_DATE
          The date of the version ("Nov 12, 2005").
static double VERSION_NUMBER
          The floating point version number (1.6d).
static java.lang.String VERSION_STRING
          The display version ("1.6 (Integration Build Nov 12, 2005)").
static java.lang.String VERSION_TYPE
          The type of version ("Integration Build").
Constructor Summary
          Zero argument constructor.
Parser(Lexer lexer)
          Construct a parser using the provided lexer.
Parser(Lexer lexer, ParserFeedback fb)
          Construct a parser using the provided lexer and feedback object.
Parser(java.lang.String resourceLocn)
          Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file).
Parser(java.lang.String resourceLocn, ParserFeedback feedback)
          Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file) You would typically create a DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object and pass it in.
Parser( connection)
          Construct a parser using the provided URLConnection.
Parser( connection, ParserFeedback fb)
          Constructor for custom HTTP access.
Method Summary
static Parser createParser(java.lang.String html, java.lang.String charset)
          Creates the parser on an input string.
 NodeIterator elements()
          Returns an iterator (enumeration) over the html nodes.
 Node[] extractAllNodesThatAre(java.lang.Class nodeType)
          Deprecated. Use extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (cls)).
 NodeList extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Extract all nodes matching the given filter. getConnection()
          Return the current connection.
static ConnectionManager getConnectionManager()
          Get the connection manager all Parsers use.
 java.lang.String getEncoding()
          Get the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
 ParserFeedback getFeedback()
          Returns the current feedback object.
 Lexer getLexer()
          Returns the lexer associated with the parser.
 NodeFactory getNodeFactory()
          Get the current node factory.
 java.lang.String getURL()
          Return the current URL being parsed.
static java.lang.String getVersion()
          Return the version string of this parser.
static double getVersionNumber()
          Return the version number of this parser.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          The main program, which can be executed from the command line.
 NodeList parse(NodeFilter filter)
          Parse the given resource, using the filter provided.
 void postConnect( connection)
          Called just after calling connect.
 void preConnect( connection)
          Called just prior to calling connect.
 void reset()
          Reset the parser to start from the beginning again.
 void setConnection( connection)
          Set the connection for this parser.
static void setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager manager)
          Set the connection manager all Parsers use.
 void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
          Set the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
 void setFeedback(ParserFeedback fb)
          Sets the feedback object used in scanning.
 void setInputHTML(java.lang.String inputHTML)
          Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.
 void setLexer(Lexer lexer)
          Set the lexer for this parser.
 void setNodeFactory(NodeFactory factory)
          Set the current node factory.
 void setURL(java.lang.String url)
          Set the URL for this parser.
 void visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Apply the given visitor to the current page.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double VERSION_NUMBER
The floating point version number (1.6d).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VERSION_TYPE
The type of version ("Integration Build").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VERSION_DATE
The date of the version ("Nov 12, 2005").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VERSION_STRING
The display version ("1.6 (Integration Build Nov 12, 2005)").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected ParserFeedback mFeedback
Feedback object.


protected Lexer mLexer
The html lexer associated with this parser.


public static final ParserFeedback DEVNULL
A quiet message sink. Use this for no feedback.


public static final ParserFeedback STDOUT
A verbose message sink. Use this for output on System.out.

Constructor Detail


public Parser()
Zero argument constructor. The parser is in a safe but useless state parsing an empty string. Set the lexer or connection using setLexer(org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer) or setConnection(

See Also:
setLexer(Lexer), setConnection(URLConnection)


public Parser(Lexer lexer,
              ParserFeedback fb)
Construct a parser using the provided lexer and feedback object. This would be used to create a parser for special cases where the normal creation of a lexer on a URLConnection needs to be customized.

lexer - The lexer to draw characters from.
fb - The object to use when information, warning and error messages are produced. If null no feedback is provided.


public Parser( connection,
              ParserFeedback fb)
       throws ParserException
Constructor for custom HTTP access. This would be used to create a parser for a URLConnection that needs a special setup or negotiation conditioning beyond what is available from the ConnectionManager.

connection - A fully conditioned connection. The connect() method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
fb - The object to use for message communication.
ParserException - If the creation of the underlying Lexer cannot be performed.


public Parser(java.lang.String resourceLocn,
              ParserFeedback feedback)
       throws ParserException
Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file) You would typically create a DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object and pass it in.

resourceLocn - Either the URL or the filename (autodetects). A standard HTTP GET is performed to read the content of the URL.
feedback - The HTMLParserFeedback object to use when information, warning and error messages are produced. If null no feedback is provided.
ParserException - If the URL is invalid.
See Also:


public Parser(java.lang.String resourceLocn)
       throws ParserException
Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file). A DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object is used for feedback.

resourceLocn - Either the URL or the filename (autodetects).
ParserException - If the resourceLocn argument does not resolve to a valid page or file.


public Parser(Lexer lexer)
Construct a parser using the provided lexer. A feedback object printing to System.out is used. This would be used to create a parser for special cases where the normal creation of a lexer on a URLConnection needs to be customized.

lexer - The lexer to draw characters from.


public Parser( connection)
       throws ParserException
Construct a parser using the provided URLConnection. This would be used to create a parser for a URLConnection that needs a special setup or negotiation conditioning beyond what is available from the ConnectionManager. A feedback object printing to System.out is used.

connection - A fully conditioned connection. The connect() method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
ParserException - If the creation of the underlying Lexer cannot be performed.
See Also:
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String getVersion()
Return the version string of this parser.

A string of the form:
 "[floating point number] ([build-type] [build-date])"


public static double getVersionNumber()
Return the version number of this parser.

A floating point number, the whole number part is the major version, and the fractional part is the minor version.


public static ConnectionManager getConnectionManager()
Get the connection manager all Parsers use.

The connection manager.
See Also:


public static void setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager manager)
Set the connection manager all Parsers use.

manager - The new connection manager.
See Also:


public static Parser createParser(java.lang.String html,
                                  java.lang.String charset)
Creates the parser on an input string.

html - The string containing HTML.
charset - Optional. The character set encoding that will be reported by getEncoding(). If charset is null the default character set is used.
A parser with the html string as input.


public void setConnection( connection)
                   throws ParserException
Set the connection for this parser. This method creates a new Lexer reading from the connection.

connection - A fully conditioned connection. The connect() method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
ParserException - if the character set specified in the HTTP header is not supported, or an i/o exception occurs creating the lexer.
See Also:
setLexer(org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer), getConnection()


public getConnection()
Return the current connection.

The connection either created by the parser or passed into this parser via setConnection(
See Also:


public void setURL(java.lang.String url)
            throws ParserException
Set the URL for this parser. This method creates a new Lexer reading from the given URL. Trying to set the url to null or an empty string is a no-op.

url - The new URL for the parser.
ParserException - If the url is invalid or creation of the underlying Lexer cannot be performed.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getURL()
Return the current URL being parsed.

The current url. This is the URL for the current page. A string passed into the constructor or set via setURL may be altered, for example, a file name may be modified to be a URL.
See Also:
Page.getUrl(), setURL(java.lang.String)


public void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
                 throws ParserException
Set the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.

encoding - The new character set to use.
ParserException - If the encoding change causes characters that have already been consumed to differ from the characters that would have been seen had the new encoding been in force.
See Also:
EncodingChangeException, getEncoding()


public java.lang.String getEncoding()
Get the encoding for the page this parser is reading from. This item is set from the HTTP header but may be overridden by meta tags in the head, so this may change after the head has been parsed.

The encoding currently in force.
See Also:


public void setLexer(Lexer lexer)
Set the lexer for this parser. The current NodeFactory is transferred to (set on) the given lexer, since the lexer owns the node factory object. It does not adjust the feedback object. Trying to set the lexer to null is a no-op.

lexer - The lexer object to use.
See Also:
setNodeFactory(org.htmlparser.NodeFactory), getLexer()


public Lexer getLexer()
Returns the lexer associated with the parser.

The current lexer.
See Also:


public NodeFactory getNodeFactory()
Get the current node factory.

The current lexer's node factory.
See Also:


public void setNodeFactory(NodeFactory factory)
Set the current node factory.

factory - The new node factory for the current lexer.
See Also:


public void setFeedback(ParserFeedback fb)
Sets the feedback object used in scanning.

fb - The new feedback object to use. If this is null a silent feedback object is used.
See Also:


public ParserFeedback getFeedback()
Returns the current feedback object.

The feedback object currently being used.
See Also:


public void reset()
Reset the parser to start from the beginning again. This assumes support for a reset from the underlying Source object.

This is cheaper (in terms of time) than resetting the URL, i.e.

 parser.setURL (parser.getURL ());
because the page is not refetched from the internet. Note: the nodes returned on the second parse are new nodes and not the same nodes returned on the first parse. If you want the same nodes for re-use, collect them in a NodeList with parse(null) and operate on the NodeList.


public NodeIterator elements()
                      throws ParserException
Returns an iterator (enumeration) over the html nodes. Nodes can be of three main types: In general, when parsing with an iterator or processing a NodeList, you will need to use recursion. For example:
 void processMyNodes (Node node)
     if (node instanceof TextNode)
         // downcast to TextNode
         TextNode text = (TextNode)node;
         // do whatever processing you want with the text
         System.out.println (text.getText ());
     if (node instanceof RemarkNode)
         // downcast to RemarkNode
         RemarkNode remark = (RemarkNode)node;
         // do whatever processing you want with the comment
     else if (node instanceof TagNode)
         // downcast to TagNode
         TagNode tag = (TagNode)node;
         // do whatever processing you want with the tag itself
         // ...
         // process recursively (nodes within nodes) via getChildren()
         NodeList nl = tag.getChildren ();
         if (null != nl)
             for (NodeIterator i = nl.elements (); i.hasMoreElements (); )
                 processMyNodes (i.nextNode ());

 Parser parser = new Parser ("");
 for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements (); i.hasMoreElements (); )
     processMyNodes (i.nextNode ());

An iterator over the top level nodes (usually ).
ParserException - If a parsing error occurs.


public NodeList parse(NodeFilter filter)
               throws ParserException
Parse the given resource, using the filter provided. This can be used to extract information from specific nodes. When used with a null filter it returns an entire page which can then be modified and converted back to HTML (Note: the synthesis use-case is not handled very well; the parser is more often used to extract information from a web page).

For example, to replace the entire contents of the HEAD with a single TITLE tag you could do this:

 NodeList nl = parser.parse (null); // here is your two node list
 NodeList heads = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch (new TagNameFilter ("HEAD"))
 if (heads.size () > 0) // there may not be a HEAD tag
     Head head = heads.elementAt (0); // there should be only one
     head.removeAll (); // clean out the contents
     Tag title = new TitleTag ();
     title.setTagName ("title");
     title.setChildren (new NodeList (new TextNode ("The New Title")));
     Tag title_end = new TitleTag ();
     title_end.setTagName ("/title");
     title.setEndTag (title_end);
     head.add (title);
 System.out.println (nl.toHtml ()); // output the modified HTML

filter - The filter to apply to the parsed nodes, or null to retrieve all the top level nodes.
The list of matching nodes (for a null filter this is all the top level nodes).
ParserException - If a parsing error occurs.


public void visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
                       throws ParserException
Apply the given visitor to the current page. The visitor is passed to the accept() method of each node in the page in a depth first traversal. The visitor beginParsing() method is called prior to processing the page and finishedParsing() is called after the processing.

visitor - The visitor to visit all nodes with.
ParserException - If a parse error occurs while traversing the page with the visitor.


public void setInputHTML(java.lang.String inputHTML)
                  throws ParserException
Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.

inputHTML - the input HTML that is to be parsed.
ParserException - If a error occurs in setting up the underlying Lexer.


public NodeList extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
                                  throws ParserException
Extract all nodes matching the given filter.

filter - The filter to be applied to the nodes.
A list of nodes matching the filter criteria, i.e. for which the filter's accept method returned true.
ParserException - If a parse error occurs.
See Also:
Node.collectInto(NodeList, NodeFilter)


public Node[] extractAllNodesThatAre(java.lang.Class nodeType)
                              throws ParserException
Deprecated. Use extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (cls)).

Convenience method to extract all nodes of a given class type. Equivalent to extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (nodeType)).

nodeType - The class of the nodes to collect.
A list of nodes which have the class specified.
ParserException - If a parse error occurs.
See Also:


public void preConnect( connection)
                throws ParserException
Called just prior to calling connect. Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface, this implementation just sends the request header to the feedback object if any.

Specified by:
preConnect in interface ConnectionMonitor
connection - The connection which is about to be connected.
ParserException - Not used
See Also:


public void postConnect( connection)
                 throws ParserException
Called just after calling connect. Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface, this implementation just sends the response header to the feedback object if any.

Specified by:
postConnect in interface ConnectionMonitor
connection - The connection that was just connected.
ParserException - Not used.
See Also:


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
The main program, which can be executed from the command line.

args - A URL or file name to parse, and an optional tag name to be used as a filter.