Physical Internet Simulation


  • Networking Infrastructure is an important concept that many high school curriculums do not cover. One of the easiest ways to present students with Networking Infrastructure concepts is to discuss ways of how data is communicated over the Internet. The purpose of this module is to provide structure for a teacher to prepare students for the opportunity to actively engage in various roles within a “How the Internet Works” simulation using household/classroom items.

How to Complete this Module

  • In order to complete this module, teachers should first read the Physical Internet Simulation Curriculum Outline. This guide will walk the teacher through what is required to complete this module.
  • The Virtual Simulation of actual Physical Simulation walks the instructor through the entire process, and will enable the instructor to use the curriculum guide with greater ease. In fact, teachers sometimes find it easier to briefly view the Curriculum outline, view the simulation, then return to reading the curriculum outline once the general procedure for the simulation is understood.

Quick Look

Intended Audience

  • Any student with basic understanding of the Internet and desire to understand it better

Material Requirements

  • See Physical Simulation Curriculum Outline (on right menu) for detailed material requirements

Total Instructor Preparation + Set-up Time Required

  • 45 – 60 minutes

    of reading and analyzing the simulation PowerPoint (Simulation.pptx) and printing out all needed materials. The simulation PowerPoint provides a complete overview of the procedure including animations of what the students will do.
  • 10 – 20 minutes

    collecting various materials at home and/or school
  • 15 – 20 minutes

    of set-up of desks, wires, and signs

Total Class-Time Required

  • 15 – 30 minutes

    of prepping students for the simulation
  • 45 – 90 minutes

    of engaging in simulation