Traceroute Map Simulation
- Networking Infrastructure is an important concept that many high school curriculums do not cover. One of the easiest ways to present students with Networking Infrastructure concepts is to discuss ways of how data is communicated over the Internet. The purpose of this module is to provide structure for a teacher to be able to allow students to program their own map using a commonly found function on computers, traceroute; following the path that a packet takes from sender to receiver.
How to Complete this Module
- In this module, students use the output of the traceroute command to visually show on a map the route that information actually travels across the Internet.
- In order to complete this module, teachers should first read the Mapping with Traceroute Curriculum Outline [pdf]. This guide will walk the teacher through what is required to complete this module.
Quick Look
Intended Audience
- Students who have completed first semester of AP Computer Science (or equivalent)
Material Requirements
- Programming language of instructor’s choice installed on computer (suggestions for IDE in the "Module: Suggestions" section) of the Mapping with Traceroute Curriculum Outline on right menu
Total Instructor Preparation + Set-up Time Required
30 minutes
of working with traceroute diagnostic tool and program files included in this module
60 minutes
writing your own program
40 minutes
Total Class-Time Required
120 – 200 minutes
instructional time and programming time for students