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I observed the Perseids during 99/8/12 4:24 -- 6:32 UT (local time 0:24--2:32 EST) in the Wagman Observatory in Pittsburgh (Lat=40.626&Lng=-79.813).

Cloud: none. The sky was hazy. Limit mag: 5.5. Center of view: north-east.

In the 110 minutes of effective observation time, I saw 47 Perseids and 13 other meteors.

The Perseids I saw were very fast, and usually white with a hint of green. They number obviously increases with time (the projected number is obtained by assuming continuous observation):

time interval Perseids observed Perseids projected
1st half-hour 6 6
2nd half-hour 9 (6 min. break) 11
3rd half-hour 8 (15 min. break) 16
4th half-hour 20 20

Their magnitude distribution is:

mag # Perseids
-2 1
-1 3
0 3
1 8
2 15
3 7
4 9
5 1

A large portion of the non-Perseids came from somewhere in the southern sky.

The show was not very exciting, but not bad either. No fireball. The most interesting thing I saw tonight was two meters shooting as the same time (0:42 EST) in the same area of the sky, but one was a Perseid and the other was not, and their trajectories crossed each other. In addition, one is greenish white and the other is red. The dew was pretty heavy and my sleep bag was soaked in 2 hours.

I also made a detailed log .

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All images by Jerry Xiaojin Zhu unless noted otherwise. Feel free to use them for your personal enjoyment. For other usage please contact the author at jerryzhu@gmail.com