Software Installations
1. Install Python
Python version 2.6 or 2.7 are both acceptable.
How to tell if you have Python installed?
On Windows, open a Command prompt window. Try entering the command python and hitting return.
If Python is installed and configured, you should see the python version information.
How to install Python on Windows?
Go to
Look for python 2.7 for windows x86. (not windows x86-64).
After installing, add Python path to environment variables. From Computer > Control Panel > System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables. Select PATH and click Edit. Add Python path at the end of the list (the paths are separated by semicolons). For example:
Python 2.7 is pre-installed by Apple Inc.
2. Install related Modules
External Modules to be installed before execution:
1. Ephem
2. openCV
3. ffmpeg (optional)
4. numpy, scipy, matplotlib, PIL
5. moviepy
How to install the module 'ephem'?
Locate site-packages folder:
If you installed python on C drive, mostly the site-packages locates on C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages. The site-packages folder is where we will copy the ephem folder after installing it.
Follow the instructions:
It is reecommended that you use pip to install the ephem folder.
Install pip:
Follow instruction on
Download the onto Desktop (by right-click on the link, save link as...).
Type 'cd Desktop' in Windows Command Prompt.
Type 'python' into Windows Command Prompt.
Again, add pip into the PATH under environment variables. For example, type the following in command prompt:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27\Scripts
Type 'cd Desktop' and 'pip install ephem' into Windows Command Prompt and it will indicate the path at which the ephem directory is located. Follow the path and copy the folder ephem into site-packages.
After installation, open Python IDLE. Enter 'import ephem'. Press Enter. This is to make sure ephem is working fine.
How to install the module 'numpy', 'scipy', and 'matplotlib'?
Locate site-packages folder:
If you installed python on C drive, mostly the site-packages locates on C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages. The site-packages folder is where we will copy the numpy, scipy folder after installing them.
Open a Windows Command Prompt. type:
pip install numpy
After it's successfully installed, try to install scipy using the same approach by typing:
pip install scipy
If it doesn't succeed, download and install scipy-0.17.0-cp27-none-win32.whl from here:
Open a Windows Command Prompt (cmd). cd to the location of the .whl file, type:
pip install scipy-0.17.0-cp27-none-win32.whl
Then, install matplotlib. Type in Command Prompt:
pip install matplotlib
To install PIL, type in Command Prompt:
pip install PIL
How to install the module 'openCV' for python on windows?
Download opencv executable from Choose a build you want to use and download it.
Make sure you have admin rights. Unpack the self-extracting archive into any chosen path. We recommend to unpack opencv onto C: drive root.
Go to opencv/build/python/2.7/x86 folder. (as we are using 32-bit python)
Copy cv2.pyd to your site-packages (see above on locating site-packages).
Open Python IDLE and type following codes in Python terminal.
>>> import cv2 >>> print cv2.__version__
If the results are printed out without any errors, congratulations !!! You have installed OpenCV-Python successfully.
Note 1: Above steps are tested in a Windows 7-64 bit machine with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.
Note 2: For Windows 8+, an extra setting is required. Go to opencv\build\bin. Copy the two files ' opencv_ffmpegXXX.dll', and 'opencv_ffmpegXXX_64.dll' to where your python is installed and located (e.g. C:\Python27).
Things may vary on different computers. Contact us if you have any questions during the installation.
How to install the module 'ffmpeg' on windows?
Save the exec files in any location, but when using it, change the FFMPEG_BIN variable in the '' file.
How to install the module 'ephem' ?
Go to:
Finder -> Library -> Python -> 2.6 or 2.7 -> site-packages
Follow the instructions:
It is reecommended that you use pip to install the ephem folder.
Install pip:
Follow instruction on
Download the onto Desktop and type 'cd Desktop' in terminal.
Type 'python' into Terminal.
Type 'cd Desktop' and 'pip install ephem' into terminal and it will indicate the path at which the ephem directory is located. Follow the path and copy the folder ephem into site-packages
How to install the module 'openCV' for specifically for python on mac?
Follow the steps on this article
How to install the module 'ffmpeg' on mac?
Save the exec files in any location, but when using it, change the FFMPEG_BIN variable in the '' file.
Run the scripts
Download the python scripts:
Unzip the package and replace the 'example data' with one folder that contains all subfolders '2015XXXX_XXXX_XXX_CMU'.
Before you begin, please double check the following:
1. external modules are installed (especially openCV and ephem)
2. The subdirectories has to be of the format '20150806_172541_260_CMU'
3. Ensure the log file and video files are in the sub directories. They should be named using this format 'VID_20150806_172541_260_CMU.mp4' and 'VID_20150806_172541_260_CMU.log'.
2. if extract option 3 or 4 (ffmpeg) is what you want to use, make sure it is downloaded,
and the file path is changed in the file.
3. Inside each sub directories, there exists a log file and an mp4 file
4. Folder named "arrows" is saved under the main directory
5. if this is the second time running the program, please clear out all files and photos saved
from the previous runs (i.e. images, gps.txt, sharpness.txt, kml etc) Under the main directory,
there should only be the sub directories for each run, and a folder named arrow. And under each sub
directory, there should only be a log file and a mp4 file. This would make sure the data extracted
do not clash from previous runs and the information is most updated and consistent.
After checking the above, you should be ready to run the program:
1. The only file that needs to be altered would be the file. Do not change anything in the
other python files.
2. The MAIN function takes in the following parameters:
main_dir, frame rate, kml option, extract option
3. The parameter main dir takes in the file path to the main directory.
An example would be : "/Users/lamwingchan/Desktop/navlab"
This is the main directory that contains all sub directories.
4. The parameter frameRate takes in an positive integer between 1 to 24 inclusively, which is how many images needs to be extracted
per second. For a 25 seconds video, if you want 25 images, 1 would be your frameRate. If you want 50 images instead, 2 would be your frameRate.
5. For the parameters kml option, extract option, you may find the following useful:
# kml option :
# 0. all images
# 1. only latest images at each location
# 2. only the sharpness image every 10 meters
# 3. both latest and every 10 meters (RECOMMENDED! most efficient set)
# extract_option :
# 1. High resolution - single frame (openCV)
# 2. High resolution - multiple frames at a given rate (openCV)
# 3. Low resolution - single frame (ffmpeg)
# 4. Low resolution - multiple frames at a given rate (ffmpeg)
# 5. Low resolution - single frame (OpenCV)
# 6. Low resolution - multiple frames at a given rate (OpenCV)
The above index table for these two parameters is also available at the end of the file.
6. After obtaining all the required parameters, you are ready to run the program.
7. At the end of the file, you should see the command line. There is a commented line
"INPUT HERE!!". The line which requires your input would be the line below. Alter the parameters
After the program has completed all the runs:
1. You should be able to see the following being printed:
# Successful Run!
# You should find the following in each sub-directories:
# 1. Photos
# 2. Final Report
# 3. gps.txt
# 4. sharpness.txt
# 5. weather-short.txt
# You should find the following in the main directory:
# 1. hi-my-kml.kml
The sections below provide further information on each script. Ignore them if you only run the script as a black box.
Details on
Process the data in one run (i.e. one subdirectory from the main directory containing all runs). processes data read from the log file and returns values as indicated in the [Index CHART].
The main function compiles all the processed data from the read_one_run function and produces a final report.
It produces gps file and a weather short file, keeping record of the starting gps parameters and the weather when the video was recorded. In addition, during execution, it will produce a file
with image frames extracted from mp4 file and produce a text file indicated the sharpness of each image.
[Index CHART] function read_one_run returns the following in a tuple format:
0 - STARTseconds
1 - ENDseconds
2 - GPSseconds
3 - lon
4 - lat
5 - STARTdate0
6 - ACCseconds
7 - ax
8 - ay
9 - az
10 - IMseconds
11 - IMdates
12 - image_list_length
13 - IMax
14 - image_list
15 - light_of_day
16 - sharpness
17 - weather_str
18 - weather_num
This file contains four functions:
1. datetime2matlabdn
2. str2datenum
3. make_imagedate_list
4. is_Daylight_Savings
5. weather_new
6. sharpness_detection_per_image
7. sharpness_detection_main
8. read_one_run
9. main
To Run the code:
Go to the end of the file to access information on how to run the code.
Details on
Given a video in mp4 format, extract_jpg_frm_mp4 extracts frames from the video at a specified rate.
The function allow images of two different resolution to be extracted. The high resolution image has sizes
of around 350KB, while the low resolution image has sizes around 80KB. In order to use ffmpeg, the path to the
ffmpeg exec has to be specified. Since ffmpeg might not be installed, program send an error message if ffmpeg is
not installed and automatically switches to use openCV instead. If ffmpeg is not used or installed, comment the import 'from moviepy.editor import *'. If it is to be used, ensure moviepy is installed.
1. High resolution - single frame (openCV)
2. High resolution - multiple frames at a given rate (openCV)
3. Low resolution - single frame (ffmpeg)
4. Low resolution - multiple frames at a given rate (ffmpeg)
5. Low resolution - single frame (OpenCV)
6. Low resolution - multiple frames at a given rate (OpenCV)
Details on
Produce one kml file that keeps track of all info of all images in each run. returns a body for each run in the main_dir. calls write_your_kml_run and compiles all sub-bodies into one main body,
writing it into the kml file.
The kml file will be saved in the main_dir, same level as all the sub-run folders.
Notes that the folder 'arrows' should be saved at the same level as all the directories for the runs.
Options are based on how many images we want to display on the google earth
0. all images
1. only latest images at each location
2. only the sharpness image every 10 meters
3. both latest and every 10 meters (most efficient set)