Uses of Class

Packages that use Parser
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.beans The beans package contains Java Beans using the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.parserapplications Example applications. 
org.htmlparser.sax The sax package implements a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser for HTML. 
org.htmlparser.tests This package contains testcases for the html package. 
org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests This package contains testcases for the util package. 
org.htmlparser.util Code which can be reused by many classes, is located in this package. 
org.htmlparser.visitors The visitors package contains classes that use the Visitor pattern. 

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser that return Parser
static Parser Parser.createParser(java.lang.String html, java.lang.String charset)
          Creates the parser on an input string.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.beans

Fields in org.htmlparser.beans declared as Parser
protected  Parser FilterBean.mParser
          The parser used to filter.
protected  Parser LinkBean.mParser
          The parser used to extract strings.
protected  Parser StringBean.mParser
          The parser used to extract strings.

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans that return Parser
 Parser FilterBean.getParser()
          Get the parser used to fetch nodes.

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans with parameters of type Parser
 void FilterBean.setParser(Parser parser)
          Set the parser for the bean.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.parserapplications

Fields in org.htmlparser.parserapplications declared as Parser
protected  Parser SiteCapturer.mParser
          The parser to use for processing.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder with parameters of type Parser
abstract  void Filter.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
static Filter[] Filter.reconstitute(java.lang.String string, Parser context)
          Returns the filters represented by the string.
static Filter Filter.wrap(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Returns a wrapped filter.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers with parameters of type Parser
 void AndFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasAttributeFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasChildFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasParentFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasSiblingFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void NodeClassFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void NotFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void OrFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void RegexFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void StringFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void TagNameFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.sax

Fields in org.htmlparser.sax declared as Parser
protected  Parser Locator.mParser
          Underlying parser object.
protected  Parser XMLReader.mParser
          The underlying DOM parser.

Constructors in org.htmlparser.sax with parameters of type Parser
Locator(Parser parser)
          Creates a locator for the given parser.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.tests

Fields in org.htmlparser.tests declared as Parser
protected  Parser ParserTestCase.parser

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests that return Parser
 Parser ParserTestCase.getParser()

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests with parameters of type Parser
 int FunctionalTests.findImageTagCount(Parser parser)
 int FunctionalTests.countImageTagsWithoutHTMLParser(Parser parser)
 void ParserTestCase.setParser(Parser parser)

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests

Fields in org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests declared as Parser
protected  Parser CharacterTranslationTest.Generate.mParser
          The working parser.

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.util

Methods in org.htmlparser.util that return Parser
static Parser ParserUtils.createParserParsingAnInputString(java.lang.String input)
          Create a Parser Object having a String Object as input (instead of a url or a string representing the url location).

Uses of Parser in org.htmlparser.visitors

Constructors in org.htmlparser.visitors with parameters of type Parser
HtmlPage(Parser parser)