CUresult cuMemcpy3D ( const CUDA_MEMCPY3D pCopy  ) 

Perform a 3D memory copy according to the parameters specified in pCopy. The CUDA_MEMCPY3D structure is defined as:

        typedef struct CUDA_MEMCPY3D_st {

            unsigned int srcXInBytes, srcY, srcZ;
            unsigned int srcLOD;
            CUmemorytype srcMemoryType;
                const void *srcHost;
                CUdeviceptr srcDevice;
                CUarray srcArray;
                unsigned int srcPitch;  // ignored when src is array
                unsigned int srcHeight; // ignored when src is array; may be 0 if Depth==1

            unsigned int dstXInBytes, dstY, dstZ;
            unsigned int dstLOD;
            CUmemorytype dstMemoryType;
                void *dstHost;
                CUdeviceptr dstDevice;
                CUarray dstArray;
                unsigned int dstPitch;  // ignored when dst is array
                unsigned int dstHeight; // ignored when dst is array; may be 0 if Depth==1

            unsigned int WidthInBytes;
            unsigned int Height;
            unsigned int Depth;
        } CUDA_MEMCPY3D;
  • srcMemoryType and dstMemoryType specify the type of memory of the source and destination, respectively; CUmemorytype_enum is defined as:

If srcMemoryType is CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST, srcHost, srcPitch and srcHeight specify the (host) base address of the source data, the bytes per row, and the height of each 2D slice of the 3D array. srcArray is ignored.
If srcMemoryType is CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE, srcDevice, srcPitch and srcHeight specify the (device) base address of the source data, the bytes per row, and the height of each 2D slice of the 3D array. srcArray is ignored.
If srcMemoryType is CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY, srcArray specifies the handle of the source data. srcHost, srcDevice, srcPitch and srcHeight are ignored.
If dstMemoryType is CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST, dstHost and dstPitch specify the (host) base address of the destination data, the bytes per row, and the height of each 2D slice of the 3D array. dstArray is ignored.
If dstMemoryType is CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE, dstDevice and dstPitch specify the (device) base address of the destination data, the bytes per row, and the height of each 2D slice of the 3D array. dstArray is ignored.
If dstMemoryType is CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY, dstArray specifies the handle of the destination data. dstHost, dstDevice, dstPitch and dstHeight are ignored.
  • srcXInBytes, srcY and srcZ specify the base address of the source data for the copy.

For host pointers, the starting address is
  void* Start = (void*)((char*)srcHost+(srcZ*srcHeight+srcY)*srcPitch + srcXInBytes);
For device pointers, the starting address is
  CUdeviceptr Start = srcDevice+(srcZ*srcHeight+srcY)*srcPitch+srcXInBytes;
For CUDA arrays, srcXInBytes must be evenly divisible by the array element size.
  • dstXInBytes, dstY and dstZ specify the base address of the destination data for the copy.

For host pointers, the base address is
  void* dstStart = (void*)((char*)dstHost+(dstZ*dstHeight+dstY)*dstPitch + dstXInBytes);
For device pointers, the starting address is
  CUdeviceptr dstStart = dstDevice+(dstZ*dstHeight+dstY)*dstPitch+dstXInBytes;
For CUDA arrays, dstXInBytes must be evenly divisible by the array element size.
  • WidthInBytes, Height and Depth specify the width (in bytes), height and depth of the 3D copy being performed.
  • If specified, srcPitch must be greater than or equal to WidthInBytes + srcXInBytes, and dstPitch must be greater than or equal to WidthInBytes + dstXInBytes.
  • If specified, srcHeight must be greater than or equal to Height + srcY, and dstHeight must be greater than or equal to Height + dstY.

cuMemcpy3D() returns an error if any pitch is greater than the maximum allowed (CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_PITCH).
The srcLOD and dstLOD members of the CUDA_MEMCPY3D structure must be set to 0.

pCopy - Parameters for the memory copy
Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.
See also:
cuArray3DCreate, cuArray3DGetDescriptor, cuArrayCreate, cuArrayDestroy, cuArrayGetDescriptor, cuMemAlloc, cuMemAllocHost, cuMemAllocPitch, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DAsync, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned, cuMemcpy3DAsync, cuMemcpyAtoA, cuMemcpyAtoD, cuMemcpyAtoH, cuMemcpyAtoHAsync, cuMemcpyDtoA, cuMemcpyDtoD, cuMemcpyDtoDAsync, cuMemcpyDtoH, cuMemcpyDtoHAsync, cuMemcpyHtoA, cuMemcpyHtoAAsync, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuMemcpyHtoDAsync, cuMemFree, cuMemFreeHost, cuMemGetAddressRange, cuMemGetInfo, cuMemHostAlloc, cuMemHostGetDevicePointer, cuMemsetD2D8, cuMemsetD2D16, cuMemsetD2D32, cuMemsetD8, cuMemsetD16, cuMemsetD32

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