CUresult cuMemcpyHtoAAsync |
( |
CUarray |
dstArray, |
size_t |
dstOffset, |
const void * |
srcHost, |
size_t |
ByteCount, |
CUstream |
hStream | |
) |
| | |
Copies from host memory to a 1D CUDA array. dstArray and dstOffset specify the CUDA array handle and starting offset in bytes of the destination data. srcHost specifies the base address of the source. ByteCount specifies the number of bytes to copy.
cuMemcpyHtoAAsync() is asynchronous and can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero hStream argument. It only works on page-locked memory and returns an error if a pointer to pageable memory is passed as input.
- Parameters:
| dstArray | - Destination array |
| dstOffset | - Offset in bytes of destination array |
| srcHost | - Source host pointer |
| ByteCount | - Size of memory copy in bytes |
| hStream | - Stream identifier |
- Returns:
- Note:
- Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.
- See also:
- cuArray3DCreate, cuArray3DGetDescriptor, cuArrayCreate, cuArrayDestroy, cuArrayGetDescriptor, cuMemAlloc, cuMemAllocHost, cuMemAllocPitch, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DAsync, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned, cuMemcpy3D, cuMemcpy3DAsync, cuMemcpyAtoA, cuMemcpyAtoD, cuMemcpyAtoH, cuMemcpyAtoHAsync, cuMemcpyDtoA, cuMemcpyDtoD, cuMemcpyDtoDAsync, cuMemcpyDtoH, cuMemcpyDtoHAsync, cuMemcpyHtoA, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuMemcpyHtoDAsync, cuMemFree, cuMemFreeHost, cuMemGetAddressRange, cuMemGetInfo, cuMemHostAlloc, cuMemHostGetDevicePointer, cuMemsetD2D8, cuMemsetD2D8Async, cuMemsetD2D16, cuMemsetD2D16Async, cuMemsetD2D32, cuMemsetD2D32Async, cuMemsetD8, cuMemsetD8Async, cuMemsetD16, cuMemsetD16Async, cuMemsetD32, cuMemsetD32Async