Bagging [Breiman1996a] is a ``bootstrap'' [Efron Tibshirani1993] ensemble method that creates individuals for its ensemble by training each classifier on a random redistribution of the training set. Each classifier's training set is generated by randomly drawing, with replacement, N examples - where N is the size of the original training set; many of the original examples may be repeated in the resulting training set while others may be left out. Each individual classifier in the ensemble is generated with a different random sampling of the training set.
Figure 2 gives a sample of how Bagging might work on a imaginary set of data. Since Bagging resamples the training set with replacement, some instance are represented multiple times while others are left out. So Bagging's training-set-1 might contain examples 3 and 7 twice, but does not contain either example 4 or 5. As a result, the classifier trained on training-set-1 might obtain a higher test-set error than the classifier using all of the data. In fact, all four of Bagging's component classifiers could result in higher test-set error; however, when combined, these four classifiers can (and often do) produce test-set error lower than that of the single classifier (the diversity among these classifiers generally compensates for the increase in error rate of any individual classifier).
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Breiman [1996a] showed that Bagging is effective on ``unstable'' learning algorithms where small changes in the training set result in large changes in predictions. Breiman [1996a] claimed that neural networks and decision trees are examples of unstable learning algorithms. We study the effectiveness of Bagging on both these learning methods in this article.