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Mixtures of Gaussians

  The mixture of Gaussians model is a powerful estimation and prediction technique with roots in the statistics literature [Titterington et al. 1985]; it has, over the last few years, been adopted by researchers in machine learning [Cheesman et al. 1988, Nowlan 1991, Specht 1991, Ghahramani & Jordan 1994]. The model assumes that the data are produced by a mixture of N multivariate Gaussians , for (see Figure 1).

In the context of learning from random examples, one begins by producing a joint density estimate over the input/output space based on the training set . The EM algorithm [Dempster et al. 1977] can be used to efficiently find a locally optimal fit of the Gaussians to the data. It is then straightforward to compute given x by conditioning the joint distribution on x and taking the expected value.

Figure 1:   Using a mixture of Gaussians to compute . The Gaussians model the data density. Predictions are made by mixing the conditional expectations of each Gaussian given the input x.

One benefit of learning with a mixture of Gaussians is that there is no fixed distinction between inputs and outputs --- one may specify any subset of the input-output dimensions, and compute expectations on the remaining dimensions. If one has learned a forward model of the dynamics of a robot arm, for example, conditioning on the outputs automatically gives a model of the arm's inverse dynamics. With the mixture model, it is also straightforward to compute the mode of the output, rather than its mean, which obviates many of the problems of learning direct inverse models [Ghahramani & Jordan 1994].

For each Gaussian we will denote the input/output means as and and variances and covariances as , and respectively. We can then express the probability of point , given as


where we have defined

In practice, the true means and variances will be unknown, but can be estimated from data via the EM algorithm. The (estimated) conditional variance of y given x is then

and the conditional expectation and variance given x are:


Here, is the amount of ``support'' for the Gaussian in the training data. It can be computed as

The expectations and variances in Equation 6 are mixed according to the probability that has of being responsible for x, prior to observing y:



For input x then, the conditional expectation of the resulting mixture and its variance may be written:

where we have assumed that the are independent in calculating . Both of these terms can be computed efficiently in closed form. It is also worth noting that is only one of many variance measures we might be interested in. If, for example, our mapping is stochastically multivalued (that is, if the Gaussians overlapped significantly in the x dimension), we may wish our prediction to reflect the most likely y value. In this case, would be the mode, and a preferable measure of uncertainty would be the (unmixed) variance of the individual Gaussians.

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David Cohn
Mon Mar 25 09:20:31 EST 1996