In the context of active learning, we are assuming that the input
distribution is known. With a mixture of Gaussians, one
interpretation of this assumption is that we know
for each Gaussian. In that case, our application of
EM will estimate only
, and
Generally however, knowing the input distribution will not correspond
to knowing the actual and
for each
Gaussian. We may simply know, for example, that
is uniform, or
can be approximated by some set of sampled inputs. In such cases, we
must use EM to estimate
in addition
to the parameters involving y. If we simply estimate these values
from the training data, though, we will be estimating the joint
distribution of
instead of
. To obtain a
proper estimate, we must correct Equation 5 as
Here, is computed by applying
Equation 7 given the mean and x variance of the
training data, and
is computed by applying the same equation
using the mean and x variance of a set of reference data drawn
according to
If our goal in active learning is to minimize variance, we should
select training examples to minimize
. With a mixture of
Gaussians, we can compute
efficiently. The model's estimated distribution of
is explicit:
where , and
denotes the normal distribution with mean
and variance
. Given this, we can model the change in each
separately, calculating its expected variance given a new point
sampled from
and weight this change by
. The new expectations combine to form the learner's new
expected variance
where the expectation can be computed exactly in closed form:
If, as discussed earlier, we are also estimating and
, we must take into account the effect of the new
example on those estimates, and must replace
in the above equations with
We can use Equation 9 to guide active learning. By
evaluating the expected new variance over a reference set given
candidate , we can select the
giving the lowest
expected model variance. Note that in high-dimensional spaces, it may
be necessary to evaluate an excessive number of candidate points to
get good coverage of the potential query space. In these cases, it is
more efficient to differentiate Equation 9 and hillclimb
to find a locally maximal
. See, for example,
[Cohn 1994].