Course Overview - Spring 2020

Course Logo
This course traces the history of computational devices, pioneers and principles from the early ages through the present. Topics include early computational devices, mechanical computation in the 19th century, events that led to electronic computing advances in the 20th century, the advent of personal computing and the Internet, and the rise of social networks. This course also includes a history of programming languages, operating systems, processors and computing platforms. Students should have an introductory exposure to programming prior to taking this course.

Meeting Times

Course Readings


You are required to attend your assigned lecture. Since part of your course grade depends on class participation, you are expected to attend, be alert and participate in each discussion. PLAN AHEAD: Since this course meets in the morning, go to bed earlier to be sure you arrive on time by 9AM. Any student who consistently arrives late or sleeps in class will be penalized for their participation score.

There will be in-class quizzes given during lecture on specific dates during the semester. All quizzes are required - NONE ARE DROPPED. So you must be in attendance for each quiz. If there is an extreme circumstance not under your control (e.g. death in the family, major illness, etc.), please contact your instructor for accommodations as soon as possible (or have a trusted friend contact your instructor). Students with university-sanctioned events should alert the instructor at the beginning of the semester with specific dates along with the name and email address of a coach or club advisor for verification. Personal travel/interviews is NOT a valid reason for a makeup.

Course Grading/Lateness Policy

All assignments must be handed in on time (unless you are given instructions otherwise). You may hand in an assignment up to one lecture late for a 20% penalty. For example, if the assignment is due on Wednesday by 9AM, you can hand in late until Friday 9AM. If it is due on Friday at 9AM, you can hand in late until Monday 9AM, etc. This includes programs and the term paper.
You must take the final exam on the date specified on the course schedule. No makeups will be allowed for the final exam, except for the same reasons as given in the paragraph about quizzes. Again, personal travel is not a valid reason.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be given on FRIDAY, MARCH 6 at a time assigned by the Registrar's office. This is the midsemester break day and is not part of Spring Break. Do not make travel plans to leave until after this final exam slot.
Your course grade will be calculated based on the following:

Grades from all assignments and exams may be reviewed for up to 5 days after they are returned/posted. After this period, the grade is considered final and cannot be changed. We reserve the right to review an entire assignment/quiz/exam if it is submitted for re-grading.

Academic Integrity

The value of your degree depends on the academic integrity of yourself and your peers in each of your classes. It is expected that, unless otherwise instructed, the work you submit as your own will be your own work and not someone else's work or a collaboration between yourself and other(s), whether they are currently in this course or not.
Please read the University information on academic integrity to understand the value of integrity for you, your peers and the university along with the penalties and processes associated with academic dishonesty at CMU. In this class, cheating/copying/plagiarism means copying all or part of a program, summary or essay from another student or unauthorized/uncited source, giving such information to another student or posting solutions online for other students to retrieve, or giving or receiving unauthorized information during a quiz or examination. In general, each solution you submit (program code, summary/essay and quiz/exam) must be your OWN work. In the event that you use information written by another person in your solution, you must cite the source of this information (and receive permission if required).
Your course instructor reserves the right to determine an appropriate penalty based on the violation of academic dishonesty that occurs. Violations of the university policy can result in severe penalties including failing this course and possible expulsion from Carnegie Mellon University. If you have any questions about this policy and any work you are doing in the course, please feel free to contact your instructor for help before you approach a possible violation. You can be charged without warning; do not expect multiple chances to show integrity in the face of violations.
Special note: If you find that stress or difficult life events are making you think of committing a violation of the academic integrity policy, please speak with your instructor or send an email instead. Special short-term accommodations can be made depending on the situation. Reach out to your instructor instead of committing a violation. We can help, and we're happy to do so when things get tough.


If you have a disability that may affect your learning and assessment in this course, and you have an accommodations letter from the Disability Resources office, please submit the letter to your instructor and discuss your needs as soon as possible. We will work with you to ensure that accommodations are provided as appropriate. If you suspect that you may have a disability that may impact your performance in this course, please contact the Disability Resources office at .

Health and Wellness

Do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle this semester by eating well, exercising, avoiding drugs and alcohol, getting enough sleep and taking some time to relax. This will help you achieve your goals and cope with stress. All of us benefit from support during times of struggle. If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings of anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support. Contact the Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) office at 412-268-2922 and visit their website at for more information.
If you or someone you know is in danger of self-harm, please call someone immediately, day or night:
CaPS: 412-268-2922
Re:solve Crisis Network: 888-796-8226
CMU Police: On-Campus 412-268-2323, Off-Campus 911