Course Schedule - Spring 2020

(subject to change - monitor Piazza and in class announcements for adjustments)
IMPORTANT POLICY ABOUT SPRING BREAK: The final exam is on Friday, March 6, time: TBA. This is not part of Spring Break. If you plan to leave Pittsburgh for Spring Break, schedule your departure for after this exam slot (and give yourself enough buffer time in case you are traveling to the airport).
Slides from each lecture will be posted here after class. You are expected to take notes during class. Click HERE for tips from Academic Development about effective note taking in class. These skills will help you when you're out in industry or graduate school. Click HERE for more reasons why handwritten note taking may help you learn more in this class.

Mon Jan 13 1: The Origins of Computing  
Wed Jan 15 Video: Creation of the Computer (Babbage, Hollerith), Biography: Thomas Watson Jr. (Excerpts) Academic Integrity Form due
Fri Jan 17 2: Charles Babbage and His Inventions QUIZ 1
Mon Jan 20 No class (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)  
Wed Jan 22 3: The Advent of Punched Card Machines and IBM  
Fri Jan 24 Video: The Strange Life and Death of Alan Turing QUIZ 2
Mon Jan 27 4: Early 20th Century Computing Machines and Thought ASSIGNMENT 1 due
Wed Jan 29 5: Computers in World War II
Fri Jan 31 Video: The Machine That Changed The World (Part II) QUIZ 3
Mon Feb 3* 6: Post War Computing (1945-1959) TERM PAPER sources due
Wed Feb 5 7: Memory and the Invention of the Transistor  
Fri Feb 7 Video: Silicon Valley QUIZ 4
Mon Feb 10 8: The 1960s and 1970s: IBM Mainframes and Dominance ASSIGNMENT 2 due
Wed Feb 12 9: Minicomputers, Workstations and Portable Memory
Fri Feb 14 Video: Triumph of the Nerds (Excerpts) QUIZ 5
Mon Feb 17** 10: The Microprocessor and the Personal Computer ASSIGNMENT 3 due
Wed Feb 19 11: The GUI and the Rise of Microsoft
Fri Feb 21 Video: The Internet: Behind The Web + The Google Boys (Excerpt) QUIZ 6
Mon Feb 24 12: The Internet TERM PAPER due
Wed Feb 26 13: Programming Languages and Artificial Intelligence MINI-PRESENTATIONS
Fri Feb 28 Video: Video Game Invasion no quiz
Mon Mar 2 14: The World Wide Web and Social Computing ASSIGNMENT 4 due
Wed Mar 4 NO 15-292 CLASS (Mini-3 Reading Day)
* The last day to drop this mini is Monday, February 3, 2020.
** The last day to withdraw from this mini with a W is Monday, February 17, 2020.