Mitt Romney

This speech titled 02.11.2011.Washington.DC originally had 1945 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 71 cue terms and an average lag of 24.4. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 high_school 11
0.947 0.0147 0.0384
0 0 0
2 presid_obama 63
0.629 0.00418 0.0921
0.269 0.00219 0.00299
3 union_address 4
0.0527 0.000597 0.00259
0.878 0.00498 0.0613
4 barack_obama 40
0.0557 0.0846 0.559
0.251 0.00478 0.0452
5 saul_alinski 9
0.0113 0.00318 0.147
0.182 0.0764 0.58
6 govern_spend 75
0.000199 0.00478 0.462
0.00279 0.032 0.498
7 __MONEY___billion 2
0.000199 0 0.00836
0.00259 0.0324 0.956
8 year_ago 44
0.154 0.00139 0.798
0 0.000796 0.0452
9 presid_face 4
0.00478 0.000796 0.0434
0.126 0.00179 0.823
10 econom_crisi 2
0.00398 0 0.0478
0.109 0.000199 0.839
11 person_experi 29
0.00716 0.000597 0.187
0.0225 0 0.783
12 foreign_affair 7
0.000796 0 0.0287
0.0145 0.000199 0.956
13 north_korea 19
0 0 0.0352
0 0 0.965
14 nobel_peac 4
0 0 0.00159
0 0 0.998
15 peac_prize 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
16 nuclear_weapon 15
0 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
17 north_korea 1
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
18 south_korean 9
0 0 0.00239
0 0 0.998
19 missil_defens 24
0.000995 0 0.0101
0 0 0.989
20 air_forc 73
0.236 0.00736 0.399
0.000199 0 0.357
21 foreign_polici 35
0.281 0.000199 0.0422
0.198 0.00657 0.472
22 econom_crisi 14
0.203 0.00557 0.122
0.437 0.00637 0.227
23 modern_histori 9
0.101 0.0474 0.0167
0.605 0.0119 0.219
24 free_world 49
0.227 0.0171 0.0913
0.537 0.0567 0.0706
25 job_loss 5
0.0304 0.0167 0.0141
0.738 0.0738 0.127
26 great_depress 3
0.0221 0.000597 0.00498
0.756 0.0896 0.127
27 unit_state 24
0.238 0 0.0101
0.699 0.000995 0.0521
28 econom_crisi 26
0.102 0.000796 0.179
0.682 0.000199 0.0364
29 american_dream 48
0.38 0.00975 0.00179
0.599 0.000597 0.00856
30 presid_barack_obama 38
0.147 0.0645 0.0858
0.687 0.00697 0.00816
31 job_loss 8
0.0418 0.038 0.0291
0.737 0.0712 0.0832
32 modern_american 2
0.0101 0.00119 0.00418
0.766 0.109 0.109
33 american_histori 0
0.00299 0.000398 0.00239
0.772 0.11 0.112
34 inconveni_truth 9
0.0454 0.00159 0.0297
0.711 0.107 0.105
35 peopl_work 23
0.523 0.00199 0.0269
0.284 0.0955 0.0683
36 ronald_reagan 19
0.101 0.000995 0.043
0.692 0.0804 0.0824
37 jimmi_carter 11
0.0396 0.0109 0.0462
0.713 0.081 0.109
38 home_foreclosur 8
0.0291 0.00159 0.0488
0.686 0.0919 0.143
39 tim_geithner 72
0.263 0.0249 0.161
0.397 0.084 0.0695
40 larri_summer 7
0.0155 0.00259 0.0424
0.616 0.104 0.219
41 million_american 7
0.00856 0.0123 0.55
0.0931 0.0911 0.245
42 pai_job 14
0.00697 0.00119 0.159
0.042 0.0551 0.736
43 year_ago 54
0.157 0.0245 0.199
0.0145 0.0521 0.553
44 presid_obama 8
0.0229 0.00358 0.0422
0.152 0.0758 0.703
45 young_peopl 49
0.133 0.0356 0.183
0.103 0.0762 0.47
46 find_work 2
0.00239 0.000796 0.116
0.136 0.103 0.642
47 conserv_econom 70
0.00697 0.196 0.309
0.00239 0.0651 0.42
48 econom_polici 0
0.000796 0.000796 0.00498
0.00915 0.261 0.724
49 corpor_ceo 5
0.0466 0.0187 0.00657
0.00975 0.26 0.659
50 white_hous 3
0.0645 0.000398 0.00418
0.0597 0.26 0.611
51 dinner_parti 22
0.132 0.0113 0.0191
0.111 0.23 0.496
52 liber_educ 18
0.0866 0.00199 0.0714
0.222 0.164 0.454
53 educ_polici 0
0.00537 0 0.00239
0.315 0.154 0.523
54 union_boss 13
0.0251 0.000199 0.269
0.229 0.0699 0.407
55 social_polici 9
0.00716 0.00259 0.039
0.228 0.0697 0.653
56 econom_polici 15
0.00697 0.0237 0.0919
0.145 0.0716 0.66
57 peopl_turn 20
0.0366 0.00358 0.0591
0.137 0.0878 0.676
58 free_enterpris 133
0.000995 0.00159 0.902
0 0.000995 0.0945
59 limit_govern 4
0.00139 0 0.0225
0.00119 0.00159 0.973
60 car_compani 111
0.998 0 0
0.00239 0 0
61 compani_call 0
0.00438 0 0
0.996 0 0
62 call_american 0
0.00358 0 0
0.996 0 0
63 free_enterpris 28
0.000398 0.000796 0.992
0.00318 0 0.00358
64 small_busi 2
0 0 0.0149
0.000597 0.000199 0.984
65 america_economi 12
0.000199 0 0.0629
0 0 0.937
66 found_father 88
0.0111 0.000796 0.384
0 0 0.604
67 free_enterpris 132
0.108 0.00955 0.495
0.00159 0.000199 0.385
68 american_dream 7
0.853 0.000995 0.00119
0.117 0.00219 0.0263
69 world_todai 14
0.0673 0 0.0259
0.886 0.000199 0.0205
70 bless_america 54
0.252 0 0.0667
0.671 0 0.0103
71 american_peopl 15
0.0744 0.000199 0.0384
0.824 0 0.0625