educ_polici can be found in 5 cue lexicons and 11 speeches. Its been used 11 times by 5 candidates.
educ_polici is found in the cue lexicons of
becaus no educ polici can replac a parent who involv in their child educ from dai on __PUNCT__ who make sure their children ar in school on time __PUNCT__ help them with their homework after dinner __PUNCT__ and attend those parent __PUNCT__ teacher confer __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.09.09 during the 2008 General elections.
but that alon is not an educ polici __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2007.11.20 during the 2008 Primary elections.
in new mexico __PUNCT__ nea wa at the tabl when we creat make school work __PUNCT__ i believ we need to creat educ polici from the bottom up __PUNCT__ not the top down __PUNCT__ it need to be creat from those whose heart and soul ar commit to qualiti educ for all our __URL__ those who ar commit to public __URL__ is you __PUNCT__ and that is me __PUNCT__
Bill Richardson in 2007.07.03.speech_to_the_national_education_association during the 2008 Primary elections.
we can't accept an educ polici where we pass a law call no child left behind and leav the monei behind __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.02.07 during the 2008 Primary elections.
but that alon is not an educ polici __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.07.13 during the 2008 General elections.
educ_polici is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
John McCain | 2008 General | 2008.07.16.remarks_at_the_99th_annual_convention_of_the_naacp_in_cincinnati_ohio |
John McCain | 2008 General | 2008.08.01.remarks_at_the_2008_national_urban_league_annual_conference_in_orlando_florida |
Barack Obama | 2008 General | 2008.07.13 |
Barack Obama | 2008 General | 2008.09.09 |
Barack Obama | 2008 General | 2008.10.15 |
Barack Obama | 2008 Primary | 2007.11.20 |
Barack Obama | 2008 Primary | 2008.02.07 |
Bill Richardson | 2008 Primary | 2007.07.03.speech_to_the_national_education_association |
Bill Richardson | 2008 Primary | 2007.08.08.speech_to_the_new_hampshire_nea |
Mitt Romney | 2008-2011 | 02.11.2011.Washington.DC |
Fred Thompson | 2008 Primary | 2007.12.31.video_address_to_the_people_of_iowa |