
He will not issue ex parte statements, criticisms or arguments on matters connected with public policy which are inspired or paid for by private interests, unless he indicates on whose behalf he is making the statement.

C6. (Part 1)

[See Codes 4(a). (Part 1), II.3.c. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer issues a statement on a matter connected with public policy
Code is violated when:
Engineer's statement is inspired or paid for by private interests
Engineer does not indicate on whose behalf he is making the statement
Code is not violated when:
Engineer's statement is not inspired or paid for by private interests
Engineer indicates on whose behalf he is making the statement

C6. (Part 2)

[See Codes 4(a). (Part 2), II.3.c. (Part 2) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer issues a criticism on a matter connected with public policy
Code is violated when:
Engineer's statement is inspired or paid for by private interests
Engineer does not indicate on whose behalf he is making the statement
Code is not violated when:
Engineer's statement is not inspired or paid for by private interests
Engineer indicates on whose behalf he is making the statement

C6. (Part 3)

[See Codes 4(a). (Part 3), II.3.c. (Part 3) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer argues a matter connected with public policy
Code is violated when:
Engineer's statement is inspired or paid for by private interests
Engineer does not indicate on whose behalf he is making the statement
Code is not violated when:
Engineer's statement is not inspired or paid for by private interests
Engineer indicates on whose behalf he is making the statement

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