NAOqi man page


naoqi - Start NAOqi.


-h, --help
produces help message
output NAOqi version
-L LEVEL, --log-level=LEVEL

change console logs level. LEVEL=[0-6] There is 7 verbosity logs level. Every level logs will show all lower level and himself:

  1. silent : No log show one console (equivalent to -q option)
  2. fatal : Show fatal logs error
  3. error : Show error logs
  4. warning : Show warning logs
  5. info : Show information logs (default value)
  6. verbose : Show verbose (-v) logs
  7. debug : Show debug (-d) logs. Debug logs are not compile on release mode (only shown on debug compilation)
-q, --quiet
no log shown on console (-L 0)
-v, --verbose
show verbose (-L 5) logs (and lower log level)
-d, --debug
show debug (-L 6) logs (and lower log level). Debug logs is not compile on release mode (only shown on debug compilation)
-c CONTEXT, --context=CONTEXT

show different context on logs. CONTEXT=[0-7]

  1. no context shown (default value)
  2. show logs categories (this one will be use for GUI logs)
  3. show logs date (the time where the logs was done)
  4. files & lines
  5. date & categories
  6. date, lines & files
  7. categories, lines & file
  8. all previous context (date, categories, lines, files, function)
activate synchronous logs. By default logs are synchronous on desktop and asynchronous on robot
run NAOqi as a daemon
filename to write the process’ PID into
-n NAME, --broker-name=NAME
name of the main broker (default is NAOqi)
-b IP, --broker-ip=IP
IP which the broker will listen on, default is for all interface
-p PORT, --broker-port=PORT
port which the broker will listen on, default is 9559
connect this broker to another one. IP is the address of the parent broker, default is no parent
Port of the parent broker, default is no parent
library to load
keep tcp communication alive
don’t try to ping server to detect disconnection
thread stack size (Mo). Default is 0.5
no thread in thread pool to reduce footprint
do not use an inprocess log forwarder. Must specify the input ZMQ address of the wanted forwarder. This can be use to launch multiple forwarder when you start some naoqi on the same computer. Default is tcp://*:50998