A simulated robot is a robot which has no existence in the real life. It allows you to test your code before running it on a real robot.
There are several ways to get to a simulated robot:
In Choregraphe, a simulated NAOqi is included.
This robot is launched at Choregraphe startup and stopped at Choregraphe closure. This robot has the same abilities of a real one but:
Using the NAOqi binary: /[path-to-installed-Choregraphe]/bin/naoqi-bin.
This robot has the same abilities as the previous one but is totally independent of Choregraphe. So it can be connected from any other application as a real robot (Monitor for example) and can be launched and exited as you wish independently from Choregraphe.
Using NAOsim.
NAOsim offers a robot simulation in a customizable virtual world. For further details about the abilities of this simulated robot see NAOsim section.
See also