Class window_agent


public class window_agent
extends focus_dispatch_agent

This agent is responsible for informing parts of a sub arctic program or applet about the actions of the top level windows of his/her application.

Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.input.focus_dispatch_agent
_focus_set, _user_info_set
Method Summary
 boolean dispatch_event(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info, interactor to_obj, int seq_num)
          We need to dispatch the window event to all the members of our focus set.
 boolean event_is_useful(event evt)
          We need to determine if this event is one we care about.
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.input.focus_dispatch_agent
add_to_focus, allowable_focus, clear_focus, focus_item, focus_set_size, inform_focus_enter, inform_focus_exit, is_in_focus, remove_from_focus, set_focus_to, user_info_item
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.input.dispatch_agent
after_dispatch_notify, dispatch_unused_event
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean event_is_useful(event evt)
We need to determine if this event is one we care about. We care only about window events.
event - evt the event to be tested for usefulness
boolean true if the event is one this agent is interested in
event_is_useful in class dispatch_agent


public boolean dispatch_event(event evt,
                              java.lang.Object user_info,
                              interactor to_obj,
                              int seq_num)
We need to dispatch the window event to all the members of our focus set.
event - evt the event to be dispatched.
Object - user_info ignored.
interactor - to_obj ignored.
int - seq_num ignored.
dispatch_event in class focus_dispatch_agent