Class focus_sem_draw_context


public class focus_sem_draw_context
extends bounds_sem_draw_context

This class provides a traversal "parameters" object that encapsulates the context of a draw done from inside a semantic lens. In particular, this class tracks current and target depths, useful for determining lens behavior based on an interactor's depth or child number in the interactor tree. It also maintains a 'focus' Vector and displays information only for elements in this focus.

See Also:
sem_draw_to_child, sub_arctic.lib.sem_draw_cont, base_interactor.traverse_and_collect(int, int, sub_arctic.lib.interactor_pred, sub_arctic.lib.interactor_pred, sub_arctic.lib.traversal_xform, java.lang.Object, sub_arctic.input.pick_collector)

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Vector _targets
          Holds the interactors we are focussed on
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.bounds_sem_draw_context
_current_child, _current_depth, _target_child_end, _target_child_start, _target_depth_end, _target_depth_start
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.sem_draw_context
_lens, _surface, draw_kind
Constructor Summary
focus_sem_draw_context(focus_sem_draw_context other)
          Construct from another object.
focus_sem_draw_context(int drw_knd, drawable surf)
focus_sem_draw_context(int drw_knd, drawable surf, semantic_lens lens, int current_depth, int target_depth_start, int target_depth_end, int current_child, int target_child_start, int target_child_end, java.util.Vector targets)
          Full constructor.
focus_sem_draw_context(int drw_knd, drawable surf, semantic_lens lens, int target_depth_start, int target_depth_end, int target_child_start, int target_child_end, java.util.Vector targets)
          Constructor, initializes the current depth and child number to zero.
Method Summary
 void set_targets(java.util.Vector targets)
          Sets the interactors we are focussed on- not sure what the application for this is, yet, but there may be something interesting, such as an agent that sets the targets to every instance of some class
 java.util.Vector targets()
          Returns the interactors we are focussed on
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.bounds_sem_draw_context
current_child, current_depth, set_current_child, set_current_depth, set_target_child_end, set_target_child_start, set_target_depth_end, set_target_depth_start, target_child_end, target_child_start, target_depth_end, target_depth_start
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.sem_draw_context
lens, set_lens, set_surface, surface
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Vector _targets
Holds the interactors we are focussed on
Constructor Detail


public focus_sem_draw_context(int drw_knd,
                              drawable surf)
ind - drw_kind a value for draw_kind.
drawable - surf a value for surface.


public focus_sem_draw_context(int drw_knd,
                              drawable surf,
                              semantic_lens lens,
                              int target_depth_start,
                              int target_depth_end,
                              int target_child_start,
                              int target_child_end,
                              java.util.Vector targets)
Constructor, initializes the current depth and child number to zero.
ind - drw_kind a value for draw_kind.
drawable - surf a value for surface.


public focus_sem_draw_context(int drw_knd,
                              drawable surf,
                              semantic_lens lens,
                              int current_depth,
                              int target_depth_start,
                              int target_depth_end,
                              int current_child,
                              int target_child_start,
                              int target_child_end,
                              java.util.Vector targets)
Full constructor.
int - drw_kind a value for draw_kind.
drawable - surf a value for surface.
semantic_lens - lens the lens whose draw context we are.


public focus_sem_draw_context(focus_sem_draw_context other)
Construct from another object.
child_pos_sem_draw_context - other the object we make a copy of.
Method Detail


public java.util.Vector targets()
Returns the interactors we are focussed on


public void set_targets(java.util.Vector targets)
Sets the interactors we are focussed on- not sure what the application for this is, yet, but there may be something interesting, such as an agent that sets the targets to every instance of some class