Class focus_sem_draw_to_child


public class focus_sem_draw_to_child
extends java.lang.Object
implements traversal_xform

Traversal transformer (see base_interactor.traverse_and_collect) that takes a sem_draw_context and transforms it into a child object's coordinates. This involves modifying the translation on the drawable surface of the sem_draw_context, so that it matches the local coordinates of the child object.

See Also:
base_interactor.traverse_and_collect(int, int, sub_arctic.lib.interactor_pred, sub_arctic.lib.interactor_pred, sub_arctic.lib.traversal_xform, java.lang.Object, sub_arctic.input.pick_collector), sem_draw_context

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object xform(java.lang.Object parent_parameters, interactor child_obj, int child_index)
          Perform the transformation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object xform(java.lang.Object parent_parameters,
                              interactor child_obj,
                              int child_index)
Perform the transformation.
Specified by:
xform in interface traversal_xform
parent_parameters - a sem_draw_context object set up in parent coords
child_obj - the child object
a sem_draw_context object set up in child coordinates