Motion Planning for Articulated Robotic Systems

The projects in this area are concerned with developing high-dimensional motion planners that generate feasible motion trajectories for articulated robotic systems such as robotic arms in real-time. The challenge is to develop planners that can do it in real-time and at the same time provide theoretical guarantees on performance such as completeness.

Here are some of the projects my students and I have worked on previously or are working now:

Here is a movie showing a collection of some of our work on motion planning for mobile manipulation

Planning with ARA* for the mobile manipulation task of autonomous door opening. Ongoing project with Willow Garage. Autonomous door opening movie. Motion planning with ARA* for manipulation. Ongoing project with Willow Garage. Movie of one-arm motion planning on PR2 in cluttered spaces. Motion planning with ARA* for the mobile manipulation task of cart pushing. Ongoing project with Willow Garage. Cart pushing on PR2 movie.
Motion Planning with ARA* for dual arm manipulation. Ongoing project with Willow Garage. Movie of PR2 performing dual arm manipulation. Planning sequence of steps with R* for a robotic quadruped. movie.
Planning with ARA* for 6 DOF robot arm. movie. Planning with ARA* for 20 DOF robot arm. movie.