Multi-agent Path Planning

This project is concerned with developing decentralized approaches to planning for multi-agent systems that are real-time, can deal with complex environments and at the same time can provide guarantees on the solution quality.

Here are some of the problems we look at:

  • Path planning with time-parameterized distance constraints
  • Cooperative mapping.
  • Opportunistic path planning for aerial vehicles with dynamics constraints
Path planning for two ground and one aerial robots with time-parameterized distance constraints (joint project with S. Bhattacharya and V. Kumar). movie Path planning for three ground robots with time-parameterized distance constraints (joint project with S. Bhattacharya and V. Kumar). movie Path planning for two aerial vehicles performing exploration, one messenger aerial vehicle collecting information from the other two and a mobile ground base receiving the collected info from the messenger UAV (joint project with S. Bhattacharya and V. Kumar). movie