We meet approximately once every two-three weeks during the Fall and Spring semesters to discuss the latest in computer music and sound synthesis. EMAIL LIST: If you would like to be added to our email list to be informed about future presentations, please send email to Tom Cortina (username: tcortina, domain: cs.cmu.edu).
For other semesters, click here:
FALL 2014 |
FALL 2013 |
SPRING 2013|
FALL 2012 |
SPRING 2009 |
FALL 2008 |
SPRING 2008 |
FALL 2007 |
SPRING 2007 |
FALL 2006 |
SPRING 2006 |
FALL 2005 |
SUMMER 2005 |
Roger Dannenberg
Highlights of ICMC 2005
Major research highlights will be presented from the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2005) held in Barcelona, Spain in September 2005.
Wednesday, October 12
Smith Hall 100
Tom Cortina
Using Java MIDI API classes in Introductory Programming
As an alternative to teaching graphics and GUI design using Java in the introductory programming course, some efforts have been made to introduce music via MIDI in the intro class to allow students to experiment with computation that is not simply text-based. This seminar will introduce the MIDI classes that are included in the Java API and will illustrate some uses of these classes in an introductory Java programming course.
Wednesday, October 26
Smith Hall 100
Roger Dannenberg
Highlights of ISMIR 2005
Major research highlights will be presented from the 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2005) held in London, England in September 2005.
Wednesday, November 16
Smith Hall 100
Roger Dannenberg
Nyquist: New Developments
Roger will give a brief review of the Nyquist music generation/composition software, and then he will discuss some new features he's included in the latest version.
Wednesday, November 30
Entertainment Technology Center
Tina "Bean" Blaine
Topic: Tour of the ETC
We will be taken on an exciting tour of the ETC and see all the latest and greatest! We will leave at 3PM from Newell-Simon and come back around 5:30. Contact Tom Cortina for more info and to reserve a seat in his car!
Web page and seminar program managed by Tom Cortina, CSD