Carnegie Mellon Computer Music Group

Research Seminars & Other Events

We meet approximately once every two-three weeks during the Fall and Spring semesters to discuss the latest in computer music and sound synthesis. EMAIL LIST: If you would like to be added to our email list to be informed about future presentations, please send email to Tom Cortina (username: tcortina, domain:

For other semesters, click here:
FALL 2014 | FALL 2013 | SPRING 2013| FALL 2012 | SPRING 2009 | FALL 2008 | SPRING 2008 | FALL 2007 | SPRING 2007 | FALL 2006 | SPRING 2006 | FALL 2005 | SUMMER 2005 | SPRING 2005

FALL 2006


Wednesday, November 29
ROOM: Newell-Simon Hall 1505

Speaker: Roger Dannenberg
Topic: ICMC 2006

Roger will review the highlights of the International Computer Music Conference that was held November 6-10 in New Orleans.

Wednesday, November 15
ROOM: Newell-Simon Hall 1505

Speaker: Wei You
Topic: Polyphonic Music On-set Time Detection of Symphonic Works

Labeling the on-set time of the music files is a notorious time-consuming work. Lots of previous works have been done on monophonic note on-set detecting, especially on piano sound, which is much easier than other instrument sound because of its physical nature. This talk will focus on the polyphonic music on-set time detecting of symphony works. Symphony pieces will make the detecting much harder because there are lots of strings, horns notes contained in the sound. These instruments are much more legato than the piano sound, sometimes human even cannot tell the exact on-set time of the notes. The aim of the note on-set detecting is to segment the meaningless continuous audio signals into discrete content based events.

Wednesday, October 25
ROOM: Newell-Simon Hall 1505

Speaker: Roger Dannenberg
Topic: Highlights of ISMIR 2006

Roger is back from ISMIR 2006 , and he's going to share highlights and interesting results from the conference.

Wednesday, September 27
10:00-11:00AM (SPECIAL TIME)
ROOM: Wean 8220

Speaker: Tim Bell
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Topic: Music Image Processing

It is now feasible to store, process and present high-quality images of music scores on standard desktop and portable computing devices. Emerging digital rights management systems are making it realistic for users to legally obtain and share such documents etectronically, and much print music can now be obtained online. However, such systems are still usually predicated on performing the music from paper, and the cost of digitising legacy documents is high.

This seminar will explore ways to capture and enhance print music, and to present the music on a computer display for live performance, rehearsal and practice. A variety of image processing techniques are discussed for identifying music documents, "cleaning" the image to make it easier to read, using pen input for faster annotation, and presenting the music on a digital music stand.

Wednesday, September 13
Newell-Simon Hall 1505

Speaker: Roger Dannenberg
Topic: David Cope's Computer Models of Musical Creativity

Abstract: I will review David Cope's book on musical creativity, and we will listen to some results of his work. I will also bring some pictures of McBlare's trip to the Glasgow International Piping Festival and other adventures. (McBlare is a robotic bagpipe player).

Web page and seminar program managed by Tom Cortina, CSD