Existing Approaches
Both existing approaches to NMRDPs
[2,3] use a temporal logic of the
past (PLTL) to compactly represent non-Markovian rewards and
exploit this compact representation to translate the NMRDP into an MDP
amenable to off-the-shelf solution methods. However, they target
different classes of MDP representations and
solution methods, and consequently, adopt
different styles of translations.
Bacchus et al. [2] target state-based MDP
representations. The equivalent MDP is first generated entirely - this
involves the enumeration of all e-states and all transitions between
them. Then, it is solved using traditional dynamic programming
methods such as value or policy iteration. Because these methods are
extremely sensitive to the number of states, attention is paid to
producing a minimal equivalent MDP (with the least number of states).
A first simple translation which we call PLTLSIM produces a large
MDP which can be post-processed for minimisation before being solved.
Another, which we call PLTLMIN, directly results in a minimal MDP,
but relies on an expensive pre-processing phase.
The second approach [3], which we call PLTLSTR,
targets structured MDP representations: the transition model,
policies, reward and value functions are represented in a compact
form, e.g. as trees or algebraic decision diagrams (ADDs)
[29,12]. For instance, the probability
of a given proposition (state variable) being true after the execution
of an action is specified by a tree
whose internal nodes are labelled with the state variables on
whose previous values the given variable depends, whose arcs are
labelled by the possible previous values (
) of
these variables, and whose leaves are labelled with
probabilities. The translation amounts to augmenting the structured
MDP with new temporal
variables tracking the relevant properties of state sequences,
together with the compact representation of (1) their
dynamics, e.g. as trees over the previous values of relevant
variables, and (2) of the non-Markovian reward function in terms of
the variables' current values. Then, structured solution methods such
as structured policy iteration or the SPUDD algorithm are run on the
resulting structured MDP. Neither the translation nor the solution
methods explicitly enumerates the states.
We now review these approaches in some detail.
The reader is referred to the respective papers for additional
Sylvie Thiebaux