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News & Updates: |
April 3, 2015 Our work on DELPHI received the ISPASS 2015 best paper award! |
February 9, 2015 Our paper "Nautilus: Fast Automated IP Design Space Search Using Guided Genetic Algorithms" will appear at DAC 2015. |
January 20, 2015 The DELPHI framework for fast RTL characterization (power, area, timing) will be soon publicly released. If you are interested in a pre-release version, please get in touch. |
Decemer 8, 2014 Our paper "DELPHI: A Framework for RTL-Based Architecture Design Evaluation Using DSENT Models" will appear at ISPASS 2015. |
April 23, 2014 New version of CONNECT is out! |
March 24, 2014 Gave a guest lecture on "Interconnection Networks" for the 15-418 "Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming" course. |
March 4, 2013 Our paper "ShrinkWrap: Compiler-Enabled Optimization and Customization of Soft Memory Interconnects" will appear at FCCM 2013. |
January 18, 2013 We will be holding a tutorial on CoRAM and CONNECT at FPGA 2013 on Feb. 11. |
December 2, 2012 New version of CONNECT including many new features released. Check it out! |
November 15, 2012 We will be holding a tutorial on CoRAM and CONNECT at MICRO-45 on Dec. 2. |
October 19, 2012 Will be giving a CALCM seminar about CONNECT on Oct 30. |
August 15, 2012 I was awarded the Intel PhD Fellowship for 2012-2013! |
June 4, 2012 Will be giving a talk on CONNECT's fast flexible FPGA-tuned Networks-on-Chip at CARL 2012. |
February 23, 2012 CONNECT, our FPGA-tuned NoC generator, was just released. Click here to try it out! |
January 5, 2012 Our paper "CONNECT: Re-Examining Conventional Wisdom for Designing NoCs in the Context of FPGAs" will appear in FPGA 2012! |
December 22, 2012 Our paper "Prototype and Evaluation of the CoRAM Memory Architecture for FPGA-Based Computing" will appear in FPGA 2012! |
June 1, 2011 My submission to the MEMOCODE 2011 Design Contest won the first place in the Absolute Performance category! |
March 21, 2011 Our paper "FIST: A Fast, Lightweight, FPGA-Friendly Packet Latency Estimator for NoC Modeling in Full-System Simulations" will appear in NOCS 2011! |
November 17, 2010 We will be presenting a tutorial on SimFlex & ProtoFlex at IISWC 2010 in Atlanta, GA, Dec 2-4. |
October 25, 2010 Our paper "Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling: Exploiting Differences in Memory Access Behavior" was accepted for inclusion in the IEEE Micro Top Picks January/February 2011 Issue! |
September 1, 2010 Our paper "Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling: Exploiting Differences in Memory Access Behavior" will appear in MICRO-43! |
July 20, 2010 Currently interning at Intel Labs in Santa Clara, CA. |
March 18, 2009 We will be presenting a tutorial on ProtoFlex at ISPASS 2010 in White Plains, NY, Mar 28-30. |
December 07, 2009 Don't miss our upcoming tutorial on SimFlex and ProtoFlex at MICRO-42 in New York, NY, Dec 12-16. |
September 28, 2009 We will be presenting a tutorial on ProtoFlex at IISWC 2009 in Austin, TX, Oct 4-6. |
April 30, 2009 Our poster was voted 2nd best at the Machine Learning course poster session! |
April 11, 2009 Will be attending the 2009 C2S2 review on Apr 30 - May 1. |
January 07, 2009 Will be attending the 2009 Winter RAMP retreat on Jan 15-16. |
September 17, 2008 Will be giving a talk at the CALCM seminar series on Sep 23. Here is the abstract. |
August 28, 2008 Uploaded presentation given at the 2008 Summer RAMP Retreat |
August 27, 2008 Added Presentations and Posters sections under Research tab |
August 28 2008 Added Presentations & Posters sections. |