Refereed Journal Articles
M. Velez, P. Jamshidi, F. Sattler, N. Siegmund, S. Apel, and C. Kästner. “ConfigCrusher: Towards White-Box Performance Analysis for Configurable Systems”. In Automated Software Engineering -- An Internation Journal, July 2020. [PDF]
Refereed Conference Papers
M. Velez, P. Jamshidi, N. Siegmund, S. Apel, and C. Kästner. “White-Box Analysis over Machine Learning: Modeling Performance of Configurable Systems”. In Proc. Int’l Conf. Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE, May 2021. (23% acceptance rate). [PDF]
P. Jamshidi, M. Velez, C. Kästner, and N. Siegmund. “Learning to Sample: Exploiting Similarities Across Environments to Learn Performance Models for Configurable Systems”. In Proc. Int’l Symp. Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE). ACM, Nov. 2018. (21% acceptance rate). [PDF]
P. Jamshidi, N. Siegmund, M. Velez, C. Kästner, A. Patel, Y. Agarwal. “Transfer Learning for Performance Modeling of Configurable Systems: An Exploratory Analysis”. In Proc. Int'l Conf. Automated Software Engineering (ASE). ACM, Oct. 2017. (21% acceptance rate). [PDF]
P. Jamshidi, M. Velez, C. Kästner, N. Siegmund, and P. Kawthekar. “Transfer Learning for Improving Model Predictions in Highly Configurable Software”. In Proc. Int’l Symp. Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), IEEE, May 2017. (23% acceptance rate). [PDF]
M. Velez, J. Sawin, A. Ingerson, and D. Chiu. “Improving Bitmap Execution Performance Using Column-Based Metadata”. In Int’l Conf. Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). IEEE, Aug. 2016. (30% acceptance rate). [PDF]
M. Velez. “White-box Analysis for Modeling and Debugging the Performance of Configurable Systems” (Proposal). Carnegie Mellon University, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
Technical Reports
M. Velez, P. Jamshidi, F. Sattler, N. Siegmund, S. Apel, and C. Kästner. “ConfigCrusher: White-Box Performance Analysis for Configurable Systems”. Technical Report, 1905.02066. arXiv, May 2019. [PDF]
M. Velez, P. Jamshidi, C. Kästner, N. Siegmund, F. Sattler, and S. Apel. "White-Box Performance Discovery". Poster. Google PhD Intern Research Conference, July 2019. [PDF]
M. Velez, P. Jamshidi, C. Kästner, N. Siegmund, F. Sattler, and S. Apel. "White-Box Performance Discovery". Poster. BRASS PI Meeting, Nov. 2017. [PDF]
M. Velez and J. Sawin. "Improving the Efficiency of CHA through Parallelization". Poster. Inquiry at St. Thomas, May 2016. [PDF]
M. Velez and J. Sawin. "FasterWAH Compression Querying through the Use of Metadata". Poster. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Midwest Region., 1st place Discovery Track. July 2019. [PDF]
M. Velez and A. Solar-Lezama. "Simpler Implementation of Sketches through Enhanced Expressiveness". Poster. MIT Summer Research Poster Session, Aug. 2015. [PDF]
M. Velez. "Current and Future Relationships Between Robots and Humans". Summa Cum Laude Paper. University of St. Thomas, Apr. 2015. [PDF]
M. Velez, P. Gittins, and J. Sawin. "Extending SMILES to Encode Reaction Mechanisms". Poster. Inquiry at St. Thomas, May 2014. [PDF]