Pebbles Chat
by Ben Bostwick and Brad Myers
Sometimes in a meeting, it would be useful for attendees to be able to send
side messages to each other, without necessarily interrupting the
meeting. As an example, an attendee might ask the meeting facilitator
to tell the current speaker to finish. The PebblesChat application
allows users to communicate with other PDA users connected to the same
PC. Messages are composed using the regular text input mechanisms on the PDA,
and will appear in a scrolling text area on the PDAs of the sender
and recipients as in conventional PC-based "chat" programs. In this
case, the PC is just serving as a conduit, and does not display any
evidence of the chat messages.
Downloading and Running PebblesChat
The PebblesChat is downloaded with the rest of the Pebbles
applications in one big zip file. See the
main downloading instructions.
The PebblesChat program, pebbleschat.prc, should be installed into
the PalmPilot using the conventional mechanism. Then, the PebblesChat
application can be run on the PalmPilot by clicking on its
Chatting with Other People
PebblesChat allows you to send message to the other PDAs connected to
the same PC. One current limitation is that the other PDAs must
already be running PebblesChat -- there is currently no way to
use Pebbles to signal the other users that they should switch to
When running PebblesChat, the "Send To:" field will show "All Users" by
default. this is actually a drop-down menu, and if you click on "All
Users" area, it will display a list of all the other users who are
currently running PebblesChat connected to the same PC, as shown at
right. When the "Send To:" displays "All Users", then the text you
enter will be sent to all the users running PebblesChat.
Alternatively, you can pick an
individual user from the list, and then PebblesChat will send a
"private" message just to that user. All messages you send will
appear in your top area. Also in the top area will be all messages
sent to you or to All Users. Messages sent specifically to one person
will be marked "(Personal)" followed by the name of the sender.
The names displayed in the pop-up menu are the names associated with each
user in the PC's "PebblesPC" window (see the
discussion of PebblesPC).
To enter text, you can use Grafitti or the
regular PalmPilot pop-up keyboard to enter text in the usual way. The
text will appear in the bottom two-line input area.
Hitting the "Send" button sends the message and clears out the
outgoing message area to make it ready for the next message.
Note: If nothing happens when you enter Graffiti strokes, or the Palm
beeps when you try to pop up the keyboard, you probably forgot to
click in the text field first. You can select text in the upper
area to copy it (for example, to resend content someone chatted to
you, or to paste it into a Memo). But after clicking or selecting in
the top area, it is necessary to click into the 2-line composing area
before typing a new message.
Your outgoing messages should appear in the top window after you hit
the send button. If they don't,
then the Palm is probably not connected to the PC, or the
PebblesPC side cannot find the appropriate dll.
The top area scrolls if it gets more content than will fit.
Menu Commands
If you hit the Menu button (next to the Graffiti area), the
PebblesChat menu bar will be displayed. The Edit menu contains the
full set of editing commands available for text areas, such as
Cut/Copy/Paste. These only work if the cursor is in the two-line
input area. The "Keyboard" command pops up the keyboard, and the
"Graffiti" command pops up some help on Graffiti. Under the Options
menu is the usual "About" dialog, and the Connection
dialog tells how to connect the Palm to the PC.
Maintained by:
A. Myers