P. Scerri, “Modulating Communication to Improve Multi Agent Learning Convergence”, In Dynamics of Information Systems: Algorithmic Approaches, to appear
Valada, A., Velagapudi, P., Kannan, B., Tomaszewski, C., Kantor, G., and Scerri, P., "Development of a Low Cost Multi-Robot Autonomous Marine Surface Platform", In FSR 2012
P. Scerri, B. Kannan, P. Velagapudi, K. Macarthur, P. Stone, M. Taylor, J. Dolan, A. Farinelli, A. Chapman, B. Dias, and G. Kantor "Flood Disaster Mitigation: A Real-world Challenge Problem for Multi-Agent Unmanned Surface Vehicles", In Advanced Agent Technology: AAMAS Workshops 2011, AMPLE, AOSE, ARMS, DOCM3AS, ITMAS (Previously appeared in ARMS Workshop at AAMAS'11.)
Linglong Zhu, Yang Xu, Paul Scerri, Han Liang, “An Information Sharing Algorithm For Large Dynamic Mobile Multi-agent Teams” Extended Abstract at AAMAS’12
Paul Scerri, Prasanna Velagapudi, Balajee Kannan, Abhinav Valada, Christopher Tomaszewski, John Dolan, Adrian Scerri, Kumar Shaurya Shankar, Luis Bill and George Kantor “Real-World Testing of a Multi-Robot Team” Extended Abstract at AAMAS’12
Pradeep Varakantham, William Yeoh, Prasanna Velagapudi, Katia Sycara, Paul Scerri, “Prioritized Shaping of Models for Solving DEC-POMDPs”, Extended Abstract at AAMAS’12
L. Lindsey and P. Scerri, "Information Focused Path Planning for Multiple Robots Using Monte Carlo Tree Search", In ARMS'12 Workshop at AAMAS.
Paul Scerri, Prasanna Velagapudi, Balajee Kannan, Abhinav Valada, Christopher Tomaszewski, Adrian Scerri, Kumar Shaurya Shankar, Luis Lorenzo Bill-Clark and George Kantor, "Real-World Testing of a Multi-Robot Team", In ARMS'12 Workshop at AAMAS.
P. Scerri, "Modulating Communication to Improve Multi-Agent Learning Convergence", In OPTMAS'12 Workshop at AAMAS.
B. Jacobs, E. de Visser, A. Freedy and P. Scerri, Application of Intelligent Aiding to Enable Single Operator Multiple UAV Supervisory Control, In AIAA InfoTech 2012.
P. Velagapudi, P. Varakantham, K. Sycara, and P. Scerri "Distributed Model Shaping for Scaling to Decentralized POMDPs with Hundreds of Agents", In AAMAS'11.
R. Glinton, P. Scerri and K. Sycara, "An Investigation of the Vulnerabilities of Scale Invariant Dynamics in Large Teams", In Proc. of AAMAS 2011.
H. Wang, A. Kolling, N. Brooks, S. Owens, S. Abedin, P. Scerri, P. Lee, S. Chien, M. Lewis, K. Sycara “Scalable Target Detection for Large Robot Teams”, In HRI’11
Y. Wang, P. Scerri and K. Sycara, "On the Efficient Use of Sensors in Organizations with Complex Information Needs", In IAT'11
Y. Wang, P. Scerri and K. Sycara, "Towards an Understanding of the Value of Cooperation in uncertain world", In IAT'11 (Short paper)
Paul Scerri, Balajee Kannan, Pras Velagapudi, Kate Macarthur, Peter Stone, Matt Taylor, John Dolan, Alessandro Farinelli, Archie Chapman, Bernadine Dias, and George Kantor "Flood Disaster Mitigation: A Real-world Challenge Problem for Multi-Agent Unmanned Surface Vehicles", In ARMS Workshop at AAMAS'11
Lewis, M., Wang, H., Chien, S., Ma, Z., Velagapudi, P., Scerri, P., & Sycara, K. "Process and performance in human-robot teams", Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. 2011.
Scerri, P., Ma, Z., Chien, S., Wang, H., Lee, P., Lewis, M. & Sycara, K. "An initial evaluation of approaches to building entry for large robot teams", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2011
Lovell Pfautz, S., Schurr, N., Ganberg, G., Bauer, D., and Scerri, P., "Agent Based Intelligent Decluttering Enhancements", In AAAI Spring Symposium on Scalable Integration of Analytics and Visualization.
Abedin, Shafiq, Lewis, Michael, Brooks, Nathan, Owens, Sean, Scerri, Paul and Sycara, Katia "SUAVE: Integrating UAV Video Using a 3D Model", In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting 2011. pp. 91-94.
Abedin, S., Wang, H., Lee, P., Lewis, M., Brooks, N., Owens, S., Scerri, P. & Sycara, K. "SUAVE: Integrating UAV Video Using a 3D Model", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (SMC 11)
2010M. Lewis, H. Wang, S. Chien, P. Velagapudi, P. Scerri, and K. Sycara Choosing autonomy modes for multirobot search, Human Factors, 2010
P. Scerri, P. Velagapudi, K. Sycara, H. Wang, S. Chien and M. Lewis Towards an Understanding of the Impact of Autonomous Path Planning on Victim Search in USAR, In IROS’10.
P. Velagapudi, K. Sycara, and P. Scerri Decentralized prioritized planning in large multirobot teams, In IROS’10.
P. Paruchuri, P. Varakantham, K. Sycara and P. Scerri, Effects of Human Bias on Human-Agent Teams, In Proc. of IAT’10.
R. Glinton, P. Scerri and K. Sycara, Exploiting Scale Invariant Dynamics for Efficient Information Propagation in Large Teams, In Proc. of AAMAS 2010. (Runner up for Best Paper) Code showing scale invariant dynamics phenomena
P. Paruchuri, P. Varakantham, K. Sycara and P. Scerri, Analyzing the Impact of Human Bias on Human-Agent Teams in Resource Allocation Domains, In Proc. of AAMAS 2010. (short paper.)
P. Scerri, D. Van Brackle, H. Dick, K. Vallandingham and C. Rouff Freeform Command and Control of Robotic Platforms, In AIAA InfoTech 2010.
P. Lee, H. Wang, S. Chien, M. Lewis, B. Kane, P. Velagapudi, P. Scerri, Teams for Teams Performance in Multi-Human/Multi-Robot Teams, In HFES’10.
P. Scerri, S. Owens, K. Sycara and M. Lewis, User evaluation of a GUI for controlling an autonomous persistent surveillance team, In SPIE’10.
P. Paruchuri, R. Glinton, K. Sycara, and P. Scerri Effect of humans on belief propagation in large heterogeneous teams, In "Dynamics of Information Systems: Theory and Applications", 2010.
R. Glinton, P. Paruchuri, K. Sycara, and P. Scerri Self-Organized Criticality of Belief Propagation in Large Heterogeneous Teams, In "Dynamics of Information Systems: Theory and Applications", 2010.
P. Scerri, P. Velagapudi, K. Sycara Analyzing the Theorectical Performance of Information Sharing, To appear in "Dynamics of Information Systems: Theory and Applications", 2010.
Massively Multi-agent Systems II: Selected Papers from MMAS 2006, LSMAS 2006, and CCMMS 2007, Editors: Jamali, N., Scerri, P., and Sugawara, T., 2009.
Varakantham, P., Kwak, J., Taylor, M., Marecki, J., Scerri, P. and Tambe, M., Exploiting Coordination Locales in Distributed POMDPs via Social Model Shaping, In ICAPS, 2009.
Glinton, R., Sycara, K., Scerri, D. and Scerri, P. The Statistical Mechanics of Belief Sharing in Multi-Agent Systems, In Information Fusion Journal Special Issue on Agent Based Fusion, 2009.
Lewis, M., Scerri, P. and Sycara, K., Helping Wide Area Search Munitions (WASMs) Join the Team, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2009.
P. Velagapudi, O. Prokopyev, K. Sycara and P. Scerri, An Analysis of Information Sharing in Large Teams, In Proc. of AAMAS 2009.
M. Lewis, H. Wang, P. Velagapudi, P. Scerri and Sycara, K. Using Humans as Sensors in Robotic Search, In Proc. of FUSION '09.
Glinton, R., Paruchuri, P., Sycara, K., and Scerri, Towards the Understanding of Information Dynamics in Large-Scale Networked Systems, In Proc. of FUSION '09.
S. Owens, K. Sycara, and P. Scerri, Using Immersive 3D Terrain Models For Fusion of UAV Surveillance Imagery, In Proc. of AIAA Infotech 2009.
P. Velagapudi, S. Owens, P. Scerri, M. Lewis and K. Sycara, Environmental Factors Affecting Situation Awareness in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, In Proc. of AIAA Infotech 2009.
Huadong Wang, Michael Lewis, Prasanna Velagapudi, Paul Scerri, Katia Sycara, How search and its subtasks scale in N robots, In Proc. of HRI 2009.
Huadong Wang, Shih Yi Chien, Michael Lewis, Prasanna Velagapudi, Paul Scerri and Katia Sycara, Human Teams for Large Scale Multirobot Control, In Proc. of SMC '09.
J. Kwak , P. Varakantham, M. Taylor, J. Marecki, Paul Scerri and Milind Exploiting Coordination Locales in Distributed POMDPs via Social Model MSDM Workshop at AAMAS-09.
Steven Okamoto, Katia Sycara and Paul Scerri, "Personal Assistants for Human Organizations", In Multi-Agent Systems - Semantics and Dynamics of Organizational Models, Ed. V. Dignum, IGI.
Z. Ma, P. Lee, Y. Xu, M. Lewis and P. "An Initial Evaluation of Approaches to Building Entry for Large Robot Teams", In SSRR'09.
Scerri, P., Velagapudi, P. and Sycara, Analyzing the Theoretical Performance of Information Information Sharing, Springer in Optimization and its Application, 2009.
Glinton, R., Paruchuri, P., Sycara, K., and Scerri, An Analysis of Belief Propagation in Large Heterogeneous Teams, Springer Optimization and its Application, 2009.
Sycara, K., Scerri, P. and Chechetka, A., Insights into the Impact of Social Networks on Evolutionary Games, In Social Web Evolution: Integrating Semantic Application and Web 2.0 Applications, 2009.
Okamoto, S., Scerri, P. and Sycara, K., "The Impact of Vertical Specialization on Hierarchical Multi-Agent Systems", In Proceedings of AAAI 2008, to appear.
Glinton, R., Sycara, K. and Scerri, P., "Agent Organized Networks Redux", In Proceedings of AAAI 2008, to appear.
Polvichai, J., Scerri, P. and Lewis, M. An Approach to Online Optimization of Heuristic Coordination Algorithms, In Proceedings of AAMAS 2008, to appear.
Settembre, G., Farinelli, A., Scerri, P., Sycara, K. and Nardi, D. A Decentralized Approach to Cooperative Situation Assessment in Multi-Robot Systems, In Proceedings of AAMAS 2008, to appear.
Scerri, P., Von Goten, T., Fudge, J., Owens, S. and Sycara, K. Transitioning Multiagent Technology to UAV Applications, In Proceedings of AAMAS 2008 Industry Track, 2008, to appear.
Tambe, M., Bowring, E., Pearce, J., Varakantham, P. Scerri, P., and Pynadath, Electric Elves: What Went Wrong and Why?, AI Magazine, to appear. (Earlier version: Tambe, M., Bowring, E., Pearce, P., Varakantham, P., Scerri, P. and Pynadath, Electric Elves: What Went Wrong and Why?, In AAAI Spring Symposium, 2006.)
Glinton, R., Sycara, K., Scerri, D. and Scerri, The Statistical Mechanics of Belief Sharing in Multi-Agent , In Information Fusion Journal Special Issue on Agent Based Fusion, to appear.
Massively Multi-agent Systems II: Selected Papers from MMAS 2006, LSMAS 2006, and CCMMS 2007, Editors: Jamali, N., Scerri, P., and Sugawara, T., 2008.
Safety and Security in Multi-Agent Systems: The early years Editors: Barley, M. and Mouratidis, H. and Unruh, A. and Spears, D. and Scerri, P. and Masacci F. Springer-Verlag, LNAI 4324, 2008.
Scerri, P. and Sycara, Social Networks for Effective Teams, In Cooperative Networks: Control and Optimization, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008, to appear,
Simonetto, A., Scerri, P. and Sycara, A Mobile Network for Mobile Sensors, In Proceedings of FUSION'08.
Xu, Y., Scerri, P., Lewis, M. and Sycara, Information Sharing among Large Scale Teams, In Proceedings of FUSION'08. (Earlier version: Xu, Y., Lewis, M., Sycara, K. and Scerri, P. "Information Sharing in Large Scale Teams", In AAMAS'04 Workshop on Challenges in Coordination of Large Scale MultiAgent Systems, 2004.)
Kwak, J., and Scerri, Path Planning for Autonomous Information Collecting Vehicles, In Proceedings of FUSION'08.
Glinton, R., Scerri, P. and Sycara., Agent-Based Sensor Coalition Formation, In Proceedings of FUSION'08.
Xu, Y., Scerri, P., Lewis, M., and Sycara, K., Token-Based Approach for Scalable Team, In Cooperative Networks: Control and Optimization Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008, to appear.
Velagapudi, P., Prokopyev, O., Scerri, P. and Sycara, K., "A Token-Based Approach to Sharing Beliefs in a Large Multiagent Team", Optimization and Cooperative Control Strategies (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Systems), 2008.
Velagapudi, P., Scerri, P., Sycara, K., Wang, H., Lewis, M., Wang, J., "Scaling Effects in Multi-Robot Control", In IROS'08.
Newlon, C., MacDorman, K. and Scerri, P., A New Model of Mega-Collaboration In HCI for Emergencies Workshop at CHI 2008.
Sycara, K., Scerri, P., Chechetka, A., Insights into the Impact of Social Networks on Evolutionary Games In Applications of Complex Adaptive Systems, 2008.
Wang, J., Wang, H., Lewis, L., Scerri, P., Velagapudi, P. and Katia Sycara Experiments in Coordination Demand for MultiRobot Systems, In Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems, 2008.
Velagapudi, P., Wang, J., Wang, H., Scerri, P., Lewis, L., and Katia Sycara Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Video in Multi-Robot Search, In First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction (IEEE), 2008.
Velagapudi, P., Prokopyev, O., Sycara, K., and Scerri, P. Maintaining Shared Belief in a Large Multiagent Team In Proceedings of FUSION 2007.
Scerri, P., Owens, S., Yu, B. and Sycara, K. A Decentralized Approach to Space Deconfliction In Proceedings of FUSION 2007.
Glinton, R., Scerri, P., Scerri, D.. and Sycara, K. An Analysis and Design Methodology for Belief Sharing in Large Groups In Proceedings of FUSION 2007.
Fudge, G., Deignan, P., Anderson, J., Owoye, E., Scerri, P. and Glinton, R., Adaptive Distributed Sensing for Emitter Localization with Autonomous UAV Team Cooperation In Proc. of ASAP, 2007.
Scerri, P., Glinton, R., Owens, S., Scerri, D., and Sycara, K. Geolocation of RF Emitters by Many UAVs In AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2007 Conference and Exhibit, 2007.
Scerri, P., Owens, S., Glinton, R., Okamoto, S, and Sycara, K. Locating RF Emitters with Large UAV Teams In Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization. A shorter version of this paper appears as a poster at AAMAS'07.
Scerri, P., Owens, S., Glinton, R. and Sycara, K. Synergistic Integration of Agent Technologies for Military Simulation In KIMAS'07.
Farinelli, A., Nardi, D., Scerri, P. and Ingenito, A., Dealing with Perception Errors in Multi-Robot System Coordination Poster at IJCAI'07, 2007.
Lewis, M., Wang, J. and Scerri, P. Teamwork Coordination for Realistically Complex Multi-Robot Systems In NATO RTO HFM-135 Symposium on Human Factors of Uninhabited Military Vehicles as Force Multipliers, 2006.
Polvichai, J., Lewis, M., Scerri, P., & Sycara, K. Using a dynamic neural network to model team performance for coordination algorithm configuration and reconfiguration of large multi-agent teams. Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Smart Engineering System Design, Vol. 16, ASME Press Series, pp. 565-574.
Yu, B., Scerri, P., Sycara, K., Xu, Y. and Lewis, M. Scalable and Reliable Data Delivery in Mobile Ad Hoc Sensor Networks In AAMAS'06, 2006.
Okamoto, S., Scerri, P. and Sycara, K. Towards an Understanding of the Impact of Software Personal Assistants on Human Organizations In AAMAS'06, 2006. Best Student Paper.
K. Sycara, P. Scerri, and A. Chechetka, Evolutionary Games and Social Networks in Adversary Reasoning, International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2006), Boston, MA, August 2006.
Xu, Y., Scerri, P., Sycara, K., and Lewis, M., Comparing Market and Token-Based Coordination In AAMAS'06, 2006. Short paper.
Owens, S., Scerri, P., Glinton, R., Yu, B. and Sycara, K. "Synergistic Integration of Agent Technologies for Military Simulation" In AAMAS'06. Demonstration.
Lewis, M., Polvichai, J., Sycara, K., and Scerri "Scaling-up Human Control for Large UAV Teams", In N. Cooke (Ed.), The Human Factors of Remotely Piloted Vehicles, New York: Elsevier. 2006.
Pecora, F., Modi, J. and Scerri, P. "Reasoning About and Dynamically Posting n-ary Constraints in ADOPT" In Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop at AAMAS'06.
Wang, J., Lewis, M. and Scerri, P. "Cooperating Robots for Search and Rescue" In Agent Technology for Disaster Management Workshop at AAMAS'06.
Scerri, P., Owens, S., Glinton, R., Yu, B. and Sycara, K. "Synergistic Integration of Agent Technologies for Military Simulation" In Joint LSMAS/MMAS Workshop at AAMAS'06.
Tambe, M., Bowring, E., Pearce, J., Varakanthan, P., Scerri, P., and Pynadath, D., "Electric Elves: What Went Wrong and Why" In AAAI Spring Symposium, 2006.
P. Scerri, R. Vincent and R. Mailler, (Eds.) "Challenges of Large Scale Coordination", Springer, 2005.
Xu, Y., Scerri, P., Yu, B., Okamoto, S., Lewis, M. and Sycara, K., "An Integrated Token-Based Approach to Scalable Coordination" In AAMAS'05, 2005. Shortlisted for Best Paper.
P. Scerri, A. Farinelli, S. Okamoto and M. Tambe, "Allocating Tasks in Extreme Teams", In AAMAS'05, 2005.
N. Schurr, J. Marecki, M. Tambe and P. Scerri "Towards Flexible Coordination of Human-Agent Teams", In Journal of Multiagent and Grid Systems, 2005.
N. Schurr, J. Marecki, P. Scerri, J.P. Lewis and M. Tambe "The DEFACTO System: Training Tool for Incident Commanders" Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2005.
M. Tambe, E. Bowring, H. Jung, G. Kaminka, R. Maheswaran, J. Marecki, P. Modi, R. Nair, S.Okamoto, J. Pearce, P. Paruchuri, D. Pynadath, P. Scerri, N. Schurr and P. Varakantham, "Conflicts in Teamwork: Hybrids to the Rescue", Keynote Presentation, AAMAS.05
Scerri, P., Giampapa, J. and Sycara, K., "Techniques and Directions for Building Very Large Agent Teams"International Conference Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS '05), 2005. Invited Paper.
Sycara, K., Scerri, P., Srinivas, S., and Lewis, M. "Task Allocation in Teams for Launch and Range Operations", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2005.
Y. Xu, E. Liao, P. Scerri, B. Yu, K. Sycara and M. Lewis "Towards Flexible Coordination of Large Scale MultiAgent Teams", In Challenges of Large Scale Coordination, Springer, 2005.
P. Scerri, R. Vincent and R. Mailler, "Comparing Three Approaches to Large Scale Coordination", In Challenges of Large Scale Coordination, Springer, 2005.
P. Scerri, Y. Xu, J. Polvichai, B. Yu, S. Okamoto, M. Lewis and K. Sycara, "Challenges in Building Very Large Teams", In Cooperative Control (name subject to change), forthcoming.
J. Marecki, N. Schurr, M.Tambe, P. Scerri "Dangers in multiagent rescue using DEFACTO" In Proceedings of the Polish Computer Science Association Conference, Monography "Computer Science and Modern Management", (364 pages). Editorial Board : J. Kisielnicki, J.K. Grabara, J.S. Nowak PTI, Katowice, 2005,pp.199-214. (In Polish)
Marecki, J, Schurr, N., Tambe, M. and Scerri, P. "Dangers in Multiagent Rescue Using DEFACTO", In AAMAS Workshop on Safety and Security in Multiagent Systems, 2005.
Y. Xu, P. Scerri, B. Yu, M. Lewis, K. Sycara, "A POMDP Approach to Token-based Team Coordination", In AAMAS.05 Workshop on Challenges of Large Scale Coordination, 2005.
A. Farinelli and P. Scerri, "Cooperative Detection of False Positive in Large Teams", In AAMAS.05 Workshop on Challenges of Large Scale Coordination, 2005.
Schurr, N., Marecki, J., Tambe, M., Kasinadhuni, N., Lewis, J.P. and Scerri, P., "The DEFACTO System for Human Omnipresence to Coordinate Agent Teams: The Future of Disaster Response", poster presentation at AAMAS.05.
Scerri, P., Lewis, M., and Polvichai, J. "Control of UAV Teams", poster presentation at: CERI Human Factors of UAVs Workshop, 2005.
Schurr, N., Marecki, J., Tambe, M., Scerri, P., Kasinadhuni, N. and Lewis, J. The Future of Disaster Response: Humans Working with Multiagent Teams using DEFACTO In AAAI Spring Symposium on AI Technologies for Homeland Security, 2005.
Schurr, N., Marecki, J., Lewis, J.P., Tambe, M., Scerri, P. The DEFACTO system: Coordinating Human-Agent Teams for the Future of Disaster Response , In Proceedings of 2nd international workshop on Programming Multiagent Systems, Springer, forthcoming.
Scerri, P. Challenges in Building Very Large Teams In International Workshop on Massively MultiAgent Systems, 2004. Invited Paper.
Scerri, P. and Sycara, K. and Tambe, M, Adjustable Autonomy in the Context of Coordination, In AIAA 3rd "Unmanned Unlimited" Technical Conference, Workshop and Exhibit, 2004. Invited Paper.
Scerri, P., Pynadath, D., Schurr, N., Farinelli, A., Gandhe, S. and Tambe, M., Team Oriented Programming and Proxy Agents: The Next Generation, In Proceedings of 1st international workshop on Programming Multiagent Systems, Springer, LNAI 3067, 2004.
Scerri, P., Farinelli, A., Okamoto, S. and Tambe, M. Token Approach for Role Allocation in Extreme Teams: analysis and experimental evaluation , In Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Theory and Practice of Open Computational Systems, 2004.
Schurr, N., Okamoto, S., Maheswaran, R., Scerri, P., and Tambe, M., "Evolution of a Teamwork Model" , In Cognitive Modeling and Multi-Agent Interactions, Cambridge University Press.
Scerri, P., Xu, Yang., Liao, E., Lai, J. and Sycara, K. "Scaling Teamwork to Very Large Teams" , In AAMAS'04, 2004.
Liao, E., Scerri, P. and Sycara, K. "A Framework for Very Large Teams" , In AAMAS'04 Workshop on Coalitions and Teams, 2004.
Xu, Y., Lewis, M., Sycara, K. and Scerri, P. "Information Sharing in Large Scale Teams" , In AAMAS'04 Workshop on Challenges in Coordination of Large Scale MultiAgent Systems, 2004.
Scerri, P., Mailler, R. and Vincent, R., Comparing Three Approaches to Large Scale Coordination In Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Challenges in the Coordination of Large Scale Multi-agent Systems, 2004.
Scerri, P., Farinelli, A., Okamoto, S. and Tambe, M. "Allocating Roles in Extreme Teams", In Proceedings of AAMAS'04, Poster Presentation, 2004.
Scerri, P., Liao, E., Xu, Yang., Lewis, M., Lai, G. and Sycara, K. "Coordinating very large groups of wide area search munitions" , In Theory and Algorithms for Cooperative Systems, World Scientific Publishing.
Schurr, N., Scerri, P., and Tambe, M., "Coordination Advice: A Preliminary Investigation of Human Advice to Multiagent Teams", In AAAI Spring Symposium on Interaction between Humans and Autonomous Systems over Extended Operation, Invited Paper, 2004.
Modi, J., Scerri, P., Shen, W. and Tambe, M. "Distributed resource allocation: A constraint based approach", In Distributed Sensor Networks: A Multi-Agent Perspective, Kluwer Publishing, 2003.
Scerri, P., Pynadath, D., and Tambe, M. "Adjustable Autonomy for the Real World", In Agent Autonomy, pg 163-190, Kluwer.
Scerri, P., Pynadath, D. V., Johnson, L., Rosenbloom P., Schurr, N., Si, M. and Tambe, M. "A Prototype Infrastructure for Distributed Robot-Agent-Person Teams" The Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Scerri, P., Johnson, L., Pynadath, D. V., Rosenbloom P., Schurr, N., Si, M. and Tambe, M. "Getting Robots, Agents and People to Cooperate: An Initial Report" AAAI Spring Symposium on Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems in Complex Environments
Scerri, P. Modi, Pragnesh J., Shen, W., and Tambe M. Are multiagent algorithms relevant for robotics applications? A case study of distributed constraint algorithms ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Farinelli, A., Scerri, P. and Tambe. M. "Building large-scale robot systems: Distributed role assignment in dynamic, uncertain domains", In AAMAS'03 Workshop on Resources, role and task allocation in multiagent systems, 2003.
Scerri, P., Pynadath, D., Schurr, N., Farinelli, A., Gandhe, S., and Tambe, M. "Team Oriented Programming and Proxy Agents: The Next Generation", In AAMAS'03 Workshop on Programming multiagent systems: Languages, frameworks, techniques and tools, 2003. (now a book chapter, see above)
Schurr, N., Scerri, P. and Tambe, M. "Impact of human advice on agent teams: A preliminary report", In AAMAS'03 Workshop on Humans and Multiagent Systems, 2003
Scerri, P. Pynadath, D. and Tambe, M. Towards adjustable autonomy for the real-world Journal of AI Research (JAIR), 2002, Volume 17, Pages 171-228
Scerri, P., Pynadath, D., and Tambe, M. Why the Elf Acted Autonomously: Towards a Theory of Adjustable Autonomy, AAMAS'02, 2002
Tambe, M., Scerri, P. and Pynadath, D. Adjustable autonomy for the real world Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Safe Learning Agents, 2002
Scerri, P. "Designing Agents for Systems with Adjustable Autonomy" PhD Dissertation, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linkopings universitet, Linkoping Sweden, December, 2001. pdf.gz (1.6Mb) or ps.gz (2.2Mb)
Scerri, P. and Reed, N. Designing Agents for Systems with Adjustable Autonomy The IJCAI-01 Workshop on Autonomy, Delegation, and Control: Interacting with Autonomous Agents. 2001.
Scerri, P., Pynadath, D., and Tambe, M. Adjustable autonomy in real-world multi-agent environments International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents'01). 2001.
Tambe, M., Pynadath, D. and Scerri, P. Adjustable Autonomy: A Response Intelligent Agents VII Proceedings of the International workshop on Agents, theories, architectures and languages.
Pynadath, D., Scerri, P., Tambe, M. MDPs for Adjustable autonomy in a real-world multi-agent environment AAAI Spring Symposium on Decision theoretic and Game Theoretic Agents, 2001
Heintz, F., Kummeneje, J., and Scerri, P. "Using Simulated RoboCup to Teach AI in Undergraduate Education", Proceedings of Scandinavian Conference on AI, 2001.
AI Magazine. "RoboCup-2000: The Fourth Robotic Soccer World Championships". Edited by Peter Stone with Minoru Asada, Tucker Balch, Raffaelo D'Andrea, Masahiro Fujita, Bernhard Hengst, Gerhard Kraetzschmar, Pedro Lima, Nuno Lau, Henrik Lund, Daniel Polani, Paul Scerri, Satoshi Tadokoro, Thilo Weigel, and Gordon Wyeth
Scerri, P., Tambe, M., Lee, H., Pynadath, D., et al 2000 "Dont cancel my Barcelona trip: Adjusting the autonomy of agent proxies in human organizations", Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Socially Intelligent Agents - the human in the loop
Scerri P., Ydren J. and Reed N. "Layered Specification of Intelligent Agents", PRICAI 2000, Melbourne, Australia, August 2000.
Scerri, P. and Reed N. "On-line Control of Actors Using EASE", PRICAI Workshop Reader, LNAI 2112 , eds. R. Kowalcyk, S. W. Lake, N. Reed, and G. Williams, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001. (Originally appeared in Workshop on Teams with Adjustable Autonomy, PRICAI 2000, Melbourne, Australia, August 2000.)
Scerri P., Reed N., "Real-time Control of Intelligent Agents", Software Demonstration, Agents 2000, Barcelona, Spain.
F. Heintz, J. Kummeneje and P. Scerri, "Simulated RoboCup in University Undergraduate Education", RoboCup Workshop, PRICAI 2000, Melbourne, Australia.
Scerri P., Reed N, "Creating Complex Actors with EASE", Poster Presentation, Agents 2000. Barcelona, Spain.
Scerri P. and Reed N. "Engineering Characteristics of Autonomous Agent Architectures", Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Artificial Intelligence, vol. 12, no. 2, April 2000.
Scerri P. and Reed N., "The EASE Actor Development Environment." Proceedings of the Swedish AI Society Workshop (SAIS-2000), May 2000
Scerri P. and Ydren J. "End User Specification of RoboCup Teams" in "RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III", Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 2000.
Scerri P., Ydren J., Wiren T, LNvnneberg M and Nilsson P. "Headless Chickens III" to appear in "RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III", Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 2000.
Paul Scerri, Nancy E. Reed and Anders TNvrne, "An Approach to Directing Intelligent Agents in Real-time", in "Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Agents with Adjustable Autonomy", pp. 114-115, March 22-24, 1999, Stanford University, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Menlo Park, CA.
Nancy E. Reed and Paul Scerri, "Adjustable Autonomy in Simulated Pilots", in "Proceedings of the Workshop on Adjustable Autonomy Systems", Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI99), pp. 56-59, August 1, 1999, Stockholm, Sweden.
Scerri, P. and Ydren J. "End-User Specification of Teams of Football Playing Robots". SIMS'99, LinkNvping, Sweden . October, 1999. Slides
Ydren J. and Scerri P. "An Editor for User Friendly Strategy Creation" Robocup 1999 Team Description: Simulation League
Scerri, P. and Reed N. "Requirements for a General Agent Architecture for Agent-Based Simulation Environments". Agents'99 Workshop on Autonomy Control Software. May, 1999.
Scerri, P. and Reed N. "Adapting an Agent Architecture to a Similar Environment". In Proceedings of Third International Conference Autonomous Agents (Agents '99).
Scerri P., Coradeschi S., and Torne A. "A User Oriented System for Developing Behavior Based Agents" "RoboCup-98: The Second Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences" Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 1999.
Westendorp J., Scerri P. and Cavedon L., "Strategic behavior-based reasoning with dynamic, partial information" Twelfth Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Brisbane (1998).
Scerri P. "A Multi-Layered Behavior Based System for Controlling RoboCup Agents", in "RoboCup-97: The First Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences" Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) (1998).
Ciesielski V. and Scerri P. "Real Time Genetic Scheduling of Aircraft Landing Times" , The IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC98), Anchorage, May (1998).
Scerri P. "Engineering Strategic Behavior in a Layered Behavior Based Agent", Honors Report. RMIT (1997).
Ciesielski V. and Scerri P. "An Anytime Algorithm for Scheduling of Aircraft Landing Times Using Genetic Algorithms" Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Spring/Summer (Southern Hemisphere) (1997).
Ciesielski V. and Scerri P. "Real Time Genetic Scheduling of Aircraft Landing Times", Proceedings of The Australia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Canberra, (1997).
