Klaus Sutner

Floyd times

Meeting times for Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm, as a function of transient and period.

Discrete Math Primer

Errata for DMP 2024

Logic Checkpoint, Q4 Option 4 is supposed to be (p => q) => q => p
Sets, pg. 17, 1st DIGT, Q4 Left-hand side should be {∅,{∅}}.

Extra Material

Here is some extra material for the curious, it expands on the topics covered in the online course, but it is not required for DMP. If you have a bit of extra time during the summer, take a look. The first paper below is a short summary of the course, and was written by a student in 2021, you can use it as a study guide. The next three are manageable, and expand directly on course material.

Beyond that, things get increasingly complicated. Don't bother with this stuff now, it will become clear once you have taken a few more introductory courses (in particular 15-151 and 15-251). The key idea in all of this is that mathematics and computation are best handled in combination, math helps to understand computation and computation helps to understand math. In the age of digital computers, this is the approach that makes most sense.

Notes 21 DMP notes written by a student in 2021.
5 Houses A slightly harder logic puzzle.
Ducci Sequences Extended discussion of Ducci sequences.
Cube Puzzle A little geometry puzzle. A solution on git, by Tyler Yang.
Trellis Automata The math underlying an old pinball game.
Conway Fractran Conway's fraction based programming language.
Surreals Conway's surreal numbers, or: the mother of all inductions.
Formal Proofs More details on formal proofs, some examples.
CDM Notes General notes, going much further. Use with caution.

© 2024 K. Sutner