Interface SimpleN150

All Known Subinterfaces:
Capture, CommN150, MultiForageN150
All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleN150Hard, SimpleN150Sim, CaptureSim

public interface SimpleN150
extends SimpleInterface

Provides an abstract interface to the hardware of a basic Nomadic Technologies Nomad 150 robot (no vision, gripper or communication). In addition to the capabilities provided by a Simple robot, we also get a rotating turret.

Copyright (c)1997, 1998 Tucker Balch

Field Summary
static double MAX_STEER
static double MAX_TRANSLATION
static double MAX_TURRET
          Max rate of turn of the turret in radians/sec.
static double RADIUS
static double SONAR_RADIUS
          How far sonar ring is from center of robot.
Method Summary
 double getTurretHeading(long timestamp)
          Get the current heading of the turret motor.
 void resetTurretHeading(double heading)
          Reset the turret odometry of the robot in global coordinates.
 void setTurretHeading(long timestamp, double heading)
          Set the desired heading for the turret motor.
Methods inherited from interface
getBackgroundColor, getDictionary, getForegroundColor, getID, getID, getObstacles, getPosition, getSteerHeading, getTime, quit, resetPosition, resetSteerHeading, setBaseSpeed, setDictionary, setDisplayString, setID, setObstacleMaxRange, setSpeed, setSteerHeading

Field Detail


public static final double MAX_TRANSLATION


public static final double MAX_STEER


public static final double RADIUS


public static final double MAX_TURRET
Max rate of turn of the turret in radians/sec.


public static final double SONAR_RADIUS
How far sonar ring is from center of robot.
Method Detail


public double getTurretHeading(long timestamp)
Get the current heading of the turret motor.
timestamp - only get new information if timestamp > than last call or timestamp == -1.
the turret heading in radians.
See Also:
setTurretHeading(long, double), resetTurretHeading(double)


public void resetTurretHeading(double heading)
Reset the turret odometry of the robot in global coordinates. This might be done when reliable sensor information provides a very good estimate of the robot's turret heading. Do this only if you are certain you're right!
heading - the new turret heading in radians.
See Also:
getTurretHeading(long), setTurretHeading(long, double)


public void setTurretHeading(long timestamp,
                             double heading)
Set the desired heading for the turret motor.
timestamp - only get new information if timestamp > than last call or timestamp == -1.
heading - the heading in radians.
See Also:
getTurretHeading(long), resetTurretHeading(double)