Journal publications
Tsin, Sing Bing Kang and Richard Szeliski, "Stereo matching with reflection
and translucency ", Submitted IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, (PAMI). |
2 |
Liu and Yanghai Tsin, “Promise and perils of near regular texture patterns”,
To appear in IJCV. [link
to this paper]
Liu, Robert Collins and Yanghai Tsin, “A computational model for periodic
pattern perception based on frieze and wallpaper groups ”, IEEE
Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 26,
No. 3, March, 2004, pp. 354 - 371 [abstract]
11 |
Yanghai Tsin and Takeo Kanade, A
Correlation-Based Model Prior for Stereo, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR '04) [pdf] |
10 |
Yanghai Tsin and Takeo Kanade, A
Correlation-Based Approach to Robust Point Set Registration, European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV '04) [pdf] |
Tsin, Sing Bing Kang and Richard Szeliski, Stereo Matching with Reflections
and Translucency, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR
'03). [link
to this paper]
Liu and Yanghai Tsin, The Promise and Perils of Near-Regular Texture,
2002, the 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis
(Texture 2002), associated with the ECCV'02, 2002. [link
to this paper] [Web
Liu, Robert T. Collins, and Yanghai Tsin, Gait Sequence Analysis using
Frieze Patterns, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Computer
Vision (ECCV'02), May, 2002. [link
to this paper]
Tsin, Yanxi Liu and Visvanathan Ramesh, Texture Replacement in Real
Images, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2001
(CVPR '01), Kauai, Hawaii, December, 2001. [link
to this paper] [Web
Tsin, Robert Collins, Visvanathan Ramesh and Takeo Kanade, Bayesian
Color Constancy for Outdoor Object Recognition, IEEE Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition 2001 (CVPR '01), Kauai, Hawaii, December
2001. [link to this paper] [Web page]
Tsin, Visvanathan Ramesh and Takeo Kanade, Statistical Calibration of
CCD Imaging Process, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
2001 (ICCV '01), Vancouver, Canada, July, 2001 [link
to this paper] [Web
page 1 Web page 2]
T. Collins and Yanghai Tsin, Calibration of an Outdoor Active Camera
System, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1999 (CVPR
'99). also CMU Robotics Institute tech report CMU-RI-TR-98-36, Dec
1998. [gzipped
.ps file, 665489 bytes] [link
to this paper]
Collins, Yanghai Tsin, J.Ryan Miller and Alan Lipton, Using a DEM to
Determine Geospatial Object Trajectories, DARPA Image Understanding
Workshop (DARPA IUW '98), Monterey, CA, November 1998, pp. 115-122.
Also CMU Robotics Institute technical report CMU-RI-TR-98-19, July 1998.
.ps file, 1029659 bytes] [link
to this paper] [Web page]
2 |
Yanghai Tsin, Kernel Correlation as an Affinity
Measure in Point Sampled Vision Problems, CMU-RI-TR-03-36. [link
to this paper] |
Collins, Alan Lipton, Takeo Kanade, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Dave Duggins, Yanghai
Tsin, Dave Tolliver, Nobuyoshi Enomoto, and Osamu Hasegawa, A System
for Video Surveillance and Monitoring, Tech. Report CMU-RI-TR-00-12,
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, May, 2000. [Abstract]
Download: pdf
[3066 KB], ps.gz
[8876 KB] copyrighted.
[link to this paper]
Unpublished Projects |
1999 |
Mosaicing |
1998 |
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