Mobot MiniChallenge and Course Testing :
Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Race Course in Front of Wean Hall
MiniChallenge Map 2024Mobot FINALS Race Day :
Friday, 12 April 2024, 12:00 pm
Race Course in Front of Wean Hall
Registration Form
Race Day Course Map – Now Available! -
Mobot 15th Gates - Highlights & Wrap-Up:
Friday, 12 April 2024
Rashid Auditorium, Gates Hillman 4401 – 3:15 pm
Mobot30 Contestants – Race Day Highlights
The School of Computer Science invites all members of the Carnegie Mellon community to participate in The 30th Annual Carnegie Mellon Mobot Races, in Spring 2024 (April 12!). Participants will race autonomous vehicles ("MObile roBOTs") they have built along a slalom-type course on the paved walk in front of Wean Hall.
The purpose of the competition is to generate technological excitement, provide hands-on experience for our undergraduates, and showcase the cleverness and technical competence of Carnegie Mellon undergraduates and other community members (including alumni). We hope to stimulate inter-disciplinary activity toward producing something that is technically noteworthy.
The Mobot Slalom Race
Race of autonomous vehicles (MObile roBOTs) along a slalom course on the paved walk in front of Wean Hall.