Course Staff and Contact Hours


Dr. Can Kultur
Office: GHC 6007
ckultur -at-

Teaching Assistants

Contact a TA via e-mail at their Andrew ID @

Clare Isaacson

Xinhe (Hayley) Zhang

Joey Fernau

Office Hours

After the lectures (10:30-11:00AM)
Office 6007 or 6009

Office Hours

No Lab Day:MTWRF 4:30-5:30PM GHC 5208 / GHC 5210
Lab Day:MTWRF 5:30-6:30PM Citadel Commons (tentatively)

Online Communication and Policy to follow

We will use Piazza for course announcements and online discussions. Use it to ask questions and to share your experience.

The course staff will be happy to answer them for you in a timely manner. We will try to ensure that all Piazza posts are checked/answered by 9:00pm each week night. Sometimes we might wait to answer in order to let others answer or for you to think about it a little more. We encourage you to answer each others’ questions!

Note that giving the answer directly is not helping. While answering we expect you be respectful to others' learning experience.

Another important issue appears while asking questions. Please do not send the source code to ask your question. Your question can be related to a specific part of your program but while others read your source code they will be affected from your solutions. We need to let others find their own solutions for a better learning.

No need to say that the communication here should not include any inappropriate content or any form of expression that will be unethical or rude.