Quick Links:
Style Guidelines |
Terminal, gedit, Python, IDLE |
Using Python |
Course Tools |
Extra Help |
Extra Practice and Sample Exams |
Videos and Websites Related to Lectures
This page has notes on using Python, ways of getting extra help on the course material, and links to learn more
the field of computing. There are also sample exams and extra practice opportunities below.
Style Guidelines
here for a guide on proper style.
Using Terminal, gedit, Python and IDLE
here for a guide on Terminal, gedit, and Python.
here for a guide on the using IDLE.
Using Python
Course Tools
Python 3 - download one of the following
- Python 3.3.2 Windows x86 MSI Installer (Windows binary -- does not include source)
- Python 3.3.2 Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit x86-64/i386 Installer (for Mac OS X 10.6 and later)
IDLE will be used in the labs. It comes with Python installation. This simple tutorial will help you familirize the interface of it.
On Macs, Terminal should be available in the /Applications folder.
gedit - the text editor can be used in lab; please note that we are currently having some issues with Mac version
Remote Access Instructions
Create a ZIP
Instructions for Electronic Submission
Extra Help
We have set up an account with Piazza,
a new online tool for you to post and answer questions about course material. You should receive an e-mail
invitation. Participation in Piazza is optional, and you can set the frequency of messages from Piazza
individually. Some of our teaching assistants and the instructors monitor Piazza regularly. Please do NOT
assignment answers or code you are using for your assignments. The questions should be about course material
general questions about the assignments.
Academic Development on campus also offers
tutoring services for 15-110 and other introductory courses. Visit their website for more information.
Extra Practice and Sample Exams
- Python Drills (adapted from Dave Touretzky's Ruby drills developed for
Fall 2012 session of 15-110)
Sample Written Exams
Sample Lab Exams
Videos and Websites Related to Lectures
Please note that some of these links may be broken as videos and pages get moved around. Basically, some of these
are really old. However, they are still relevant and interesting to review to those interested in learning more
computer engineering and computer science.
External Videos
Articles and References
Additional Computing Resources
Computers and computational thinking have influenced the sciences, humanities, economics, and many other fields.
With the aid of computation, many fields have made tremendous strides recently. Check out these news sources
about how computation makes a difference in the world today!