Quick Links: Problem Sets | Programming Assignments


This page is where all past assignments are listed along with sample answers. There are two types of assignments you will complete in this course. Problem sets help you test your understanding of central concepts in this course. Programming assignments help you test your programming skills or use of other online tools presented in class.

Academic Integrity

Remember that all work you submit must be your own work. You may ask others general questions about the assignments or course material, but you cannot share your answers to assignments or use all or part of another's solution. If you use material from another source, such as a quotation or code fragment, you should cite your source and check with the instructors to be sure you are not plagiarizing or committing academic dishonesty.

Academic Integrity Form - Print out this PDF document, read it carefully, fill in the required information, sign it, and hand this in at the start of class on Thursday, July 2nd, 2015. This assignment is not graded, but you must hand this in to receive grades for all course assignments and exams.

Problem Sets

Each problem set should be typed (or very neatly hand-written), stapled, and handed in on the given due date at the start of the class. There will be 11 or 12 problem sets, and we will drop the lowest grade of these assignments. All problem sets must be handed in on time; no late problem sets will be accepted.

Programming Assignments

Instructions for Electronic Submission
Guide for Remote Access

Each programming assignment should be submitted electronically by the end of the day on the given due date. There will be 10 programming assignments, and we will drop the lowest grade of the first 8 of these assignments. The last 2 programming assignments are required and cannot be dropped.

Jun 30, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 1 (pa1) Solutions of PA-1
Jul 1, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 1 (ps1) Solutions of PS-1
Jul 2, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 2 Solutions of PA-2
Jul 6, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 2 (ps2) Solutions of PS-2
Jul 7, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 3 Solutions of PA-3
Jul 8, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 3 Solutions of PS-3
Jul 9, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 4 Solutions of PA-4
Jul 10, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 4 Solutions of PS-4
Jul 13, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 5 Solutions of PA-5
Jul 14, 12pm (preferably 9:00am in class) Problem Set 5 Solutions of PS-5
Jul 17, 12:00pm (preferably 9:00am in class) Problem Set 6 Solutions of PS-6
Jul 19, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 6 Solutions of PA-6
Jul 21, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 7 Solutions of PS-7
Jul 22, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 7 Solutions of PA-7
Jul 23, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 8 Solutions of PS-8
Jul 24, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 8 Solutions of PA-8
Jul 27, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 9 Solutions of PS-9
Jul 28, 11:59 pm Programming Assignment 9 Solutions of PA-9
Aug 3, (9am in class or 12pm in Inst. Office) Problem Set 10 Solutions of PS-10
Aug 4, 11:59pm Programming Assignment 10  
Aug 6, 9:00am (in class) Problem Set 11