Overview | C++ | Python | .Net | Java | Matlab | Urbi
Please make sure to have read the NAOqi Framework section first.
There are a few things that are C++ specific.
One key difference is that there are two types of proxies.
#include <alproxies/altexttospeechproxy.h>
const std::string phraseToSay = "Hello world";
AL::ALTextToSpeechProxy tts("nao.local" , 9559);
tts.say("Hello world");
#include <alcommon/alproxy.h>
const std::string phraseToSay = "Hello world";
AL::ALProxy proxy("nao.local", 9559);
proxy.callVoid("say", phraseToSay);
// Or, if the method returns something, you
// must use a template parameter
bool ping = proxy->call<bool>("ping");
Please read the C++ SDK Installation section.
The main tutorial can be found in the Extending NAO API - Creating a new module section.
If you still want to use the old method, calling CMake with a toolchain file, you can still do it.
But please read the Porting code to 1.12 tutorial. You should mostly be fine without touching any CMakeLists.txt file, but if you want your code to work in the next release, you should really port your code
It’s advised you use qiBuild to build your projects. Please follow the Using qiBuild with Aldebaran packages tutorial to get you started with qiBuild.
Please make sure to also read the Local modules section.
To get the list of all samples and tutorials, see the cpp-tutos-examples section