Java SDK
Overview | C++ | Python
| .Net | Java | Matlab | Urbi
What it does
JNaoqi is an open source project that allows you to call any NaoQi module
method from java. The call syntax is the same as Python or .Net.
JNaoqi project contains both binary and source code that needs to be compiled
with Naoqi C++ SDK.
OpenNao doesn’t have a java interpreter, the naoqi-java-sdk (jnaoqi) only allows
you to call methods from PC to the robot (real or virtual).
Each call uses the network.
- Requirements for compilation:
- Swig. Swig is a wrapper that allows using C++ method in another language, including Java
- Naoqi C++ SDK
- Java JDK
Tutorial - Linux
In the tutorial we insert a value in ALMemory with
- Download Naoqi C++ SDK
- Uncompress Naoqi C++ SDK
z$ pwd
z$ ls
z$ tar xvf naoqi-sdk-
- Download Jnaoqi project
- Uncompress Jnaoqi project
z$ ls
z$ tar xvf jnaoqi-java-
z$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ALDEBARAN/dhoussin/Téléchargements/jnaoqi/java/com/aldebaran/proxy:/home/ALDEBARAN/dhoussin/Téléchargements/naoqi-sdk-
- Run local naoqi or run robot.
z$ cd /home/ALDEBARAN/dhoussin/Téléchargements/naoqi-sdk-
z$ ./naoqi-bin &
z$ [INFO ] ..::: starting NAOqi version 1.12 :::.. [11-11-04 11:35]
[INFO ] Copyright (c) 2011, Aldebaran Robotics
[INFO ] Starting ALNetwork
[INFO ] NAOqi is listening on
[INFO ] Loading "/home/ALDEBARAN/dhoussin/Téléchargements/naoqi-sdk-"
[INFO ] Starting ALMemory
[INFO ] Starting ALLogger
[INFO ] Starting ALPreferences
[INFO ] Starting ALFileManager
[INFO ] Starting ALLauncher
[INFO ] Starting ALBonjour
[INFO ] Starting ALResourceManager
[INFO ] Starting ALLeds
[INFO ] Starting ALSonar
[INFO ] Starting ALFsr
[INFO ] Starting ALRobotPose
[INFO ] Starting ALBattery
[INFO ] Starting ALSensors
[INFO ] Starting ALRobotModel
[INFO ] Starting ALMotion
[INFO ] Starting ALRedBallTracker
[INFO ] Starting ALMotionRecorder
[INFO ] Starting ALTextToSpeech
[INFO ] Starting ALFrameManager
[INFO ] Starting ALPythonBridge
[INFO ] Starting ALVideoDevice
[INFO ] Starting ALRedBallDetection
[INFO ] Starting ALBehaviorManager
[INFO ] NAOqi is ready...
- Edit Replace ip adresse connection by or your robot ip.
- Execute Java example
z$ cd jnaoqi/java/
z$ pwd
z$ javac
z$ java TestProxy
Java JDK installation (optional)
- Tested on:
- java version “1.6.0_22”
- OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.2) (6b22-1.10.2-0ubuntu1~11.04.1)
- OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
On Linux, do not install java from web site. Use Synaptic or apt-get
JNaoQi Installation
jnaoqi-java-x.xx.x.tar.gz contain source code, compiled library and .jar package.
Uncompress jnaoqi. On linux you can use the command:
$~ tar xvf jnaoqi-java-1.12.0
- The project source code in the CMake format
- /java folder contains examples, aldebaran package and precompiled library.
- /example folder contains examples. Do no edit it.
- /proxy folder contains headers to access all naoqi modules. Do not edit it.
- jnaoqi.jar is a standard java package
Compilation (optional)
JNaoqi sdk contains precompiled library but you may need to compile it yourself (different OS or Java version).
JNaoqi respects CMake and qibuild format and can be compiled exactly the same way as others NaoQi libraries.
$~ cd jnaoqi
$~ mkdir build
$~ cd build
$~ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/your-c++-naoqi-sdk/toolchain-pc.cmake ..
$~ make
After compilation, your jnaoqi/build/sdk/java folder contains the java naoqi SDK. It should be the same as precompile /java folder at the root.
How to execute
Do not forget to define jnaoqi library path for java.
Set java library path on linux for precompiled library
For a precompiled project:
$~ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your-jnaoqi-path/java/com/aldebaran/proxy:/path-to-naoqi-SDK/lib
For a compiled project:
$~ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your-jnaoqi-path/build/sdk/java/com/aldebaran/proxy
Set java library path on windows for precompiled library
add /your-jnaoqi-path/java/com/aldebaran/proxy to environement variable %PATH%
Set java library path on linux if you compiled yourself
If you have compiled yourself the wrapper, you needn’t to add naoqi SDK lib folder in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$~ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your-jnaoqi-path/java/com/aldebaran/proxy
Compilation and execution
$~ path-to-naoqi-SDK/naoqi &
$~ javac
$~ java TestProxy
ALMemory from local naoqi should contain a java variable.
Say HelloWorld
import com.aldebaran.proxy.*;
public class tts
public static void main(String[] args)
// TTS proxy
ALTextToSpeechProxy ttsProxy = new ALTextToSpeechProxy("myRobotIP.local", 9559);
// Talk
ttsProxy.say("hello world");
ALMemory - insertData
import com.aldebaran.proxy.*;
public class TestProxy
public static void main(String[] args)
ALMemoryProxy memory;
memory = new ALMemoryProxy("",9559);
memory.insertData("javavariable", 12);
Video - grab an image
import com.aldebaran.proxy.*;
public class video
public static void main(String[] args)
// video proxy
ALVideoDeviceProxy video;
video = new ALVideoDeviceProxy("myRobotIP.local", 9559);
// subscribe only once
video.subscribe("java", 1, 11, 250);
// get Image in Variant (also named ALValue)
Variant ret = video.getImageRemote("java");
// unsubscribe only once
// Video device documentation explain that image is element 6
Variant imageV = ret.getElement(6);
// display image from byte array
AwtImage image;
byte[] binaryImage = imageV.toBinary();
image = new AwtImage(binaryImage);
Motion - cartesian interpolation
// don't forget to set stiffness before
// connect to NaoQi
ALMotionProxy motionProxy;
motionProxy = new ALMotionProxy("", 9559);
String effector = "LArm";
int space = motion.SPACE_NAO;
int axisMask = motion.AXIS_MASK_VEL; // just control position
boolean isAbsolute = false;
//Since we are in relative, the current position is zero
float[] currentPos = {0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
// Define the changes relative to the current position
float dx = 0.03f; // translation axis X (meters)
float dy = 0.03f; // translation axis Y (meters)
float dz = 0.0f; // translation axis Z (meters)
float dwx = 0.0f; // rotation axis X (radians)
float dwy = 0.0f; // rotation axis Y (radians)
float dwz = 0.0f; // rotation axis Z (radians)
float[] targetPos = {dx, dy, dz, dwx, dwy, dwz};
// Go to the target and back again
Variant targetPosV = new Variant(targetPos);
Variant currentPosV = new Variant(currentPos);
Variant pathV = new Variant();
Variant t1 = new Variant(2.0f);
Variant t2 = new Variant(4.0f);
Variant timesV = new Variant();
motionProxy.positionInterpolation(effector, space, pathV, axisMask, timesV, isAbsolute);
Motion - Raise the stiffness of the body
import com.aldebaran.proxy;
public class MotionStiffness
public static void main(String[] args)
ALMotionProxy motionProxy;
motionProxy = new ALMotionProxy("myRobotIP.local",9559);
// We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints
motionProxy.stiffnessInterpolation(new Variant("Body"), new Variant(1.0f), new Variant (1.0f));
Use jnaoqi.jar with Eclipse
jnaoqi.jar contains dynamic library on Linux, JNaoqi.dll on windows, libJNaoQi.dylib on MacOS. Java cannot load a Library from .jar. You’ll have to make it by yourself. First import jnaoqi.jar in Eclipse. If you try to run an example that use jnaoqi.jar, java will raise a link error. The following example load dynamicaly the dynamic library:
import com.aldebaran.proxy;
import com.aldebaran.proxy.ALMemoryProxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class main
static {
try {
// load library
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e)
// if we use .jar we firt copy the library from package before load it
public static void loadBinaries()
String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
ArrayList<String> bins = new ArrayList<String>(){{
File f = null;
for(String bin : bins)
InputStream in = ALMemoryProxy.class.getResourceAsStream(bin);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read = -1;
String[] temp = bin.split("/");
f = new File("./", temp[temp.length-1]);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
while((read = != -1)
fos.write(buffer, 0, read);
} catch (IOException e)
// now load the file
public static void main(String[] args)
// ALMemory proxy
ALMemoryProxy memory;
// connect to local Naoqi
memory = new ALMemoryProxy("",9559);
// call method ALMemory::insertData
memory.insertData("Hello from Java", 14);
Type conversion
Module API methods sometimes require or return an ALValue. ALValue is a Variant in Java and can be converted in a simple java type.
C++ |
Java |
Variant conversion |
bool |
jbool |
Boolean |
Variant::toBool() |
int |
jint |
int |
Variant::toInt() |
float |
jfloat |
float |
Variant::toFloat() |
string |
jstring |
String |
Variant::toString() |
ALValue::binary |
jbytearray |
byte[] |
Variant::toByteArray() |
vector<float> |
jfloatarray |
float[] |
Variant::toFloatArray() |
vector<int> |
jintarray |
int[] |
Variant::toIntArray() |
vector<string> |
jobjectarray |
String[] |
Variant::toStringArray() |
ALValue |
None |
Variant |
Any conversion method |
- If a java command returns an UnsatisfiedLinkError:
- Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no JNaoQi in java.library.path
Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (linux) or %path% (windows) needs to be updated and point to /com/aldebaran/proxy folder.
The folder should contain JNaoQi.dll (windows) or (linux).